A Node.js App with below features,
- Express framework.
- MongoDB and mongoose framework.
- JWT token implementation.
- End to end simple flow for landing page, sign up, login, logout, authorized page.
- Everything dockerized with end to end working model, has best practices implemented.
Make sure you have docker engine installed.
Clone master repository on your local master. Build and create a docker image with below command,
docker-compose down;docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q); docker system prune; docker build -t node-jwt --no-cache . OR docker-compose down node-jwt;docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q); docker system prune; docker-compose up --build -d OR docker-compose down;docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q); docker system prune; docker-compose up --build -d
run command
docker-compose up -d
, you must see below output,Creating network "node-express-mongo-jwt_default" with the default driver Creating node-express-mongo-jwt_mongo_1 ... done Creating node-express-mongo-jwt_node-jwt_1 ... done
Goto : http://localhost:3000
To monitor JWT activity,
a. press F12.
b. Goto
tabc. On left panel expand
d. You must be able to see
entry.e. a key name
will get added when you login to the system. -
to shutdown containers, run
docker-compose down