Releases: annabranco/zombicide-party
Releases · annabranco/zombicide-party
First official public release
I'm very happy and proud about it! I really hope you all like it! :)
Enhanced public version
0.12.1 0.12.1
First public prerelease
Updated first public prerelease for testing and validation
Skills Effects
- Added all skills effects from Season 1;
- Added all objects effects from Season 1;
- Added many materials from Night SHift Campaign, including Intro;
- Added most of the object effects from Night Shift Campaign;
- Enhanced styles;
- Fixed bugs.
Devices version
- Implementation of media queries for all devices;
- Added Night Shift Campaign;
- Some minor improvements on logics;
- Some major improvements on media.
Game improvements
- Combining items;
- End turn button to character;
- Setup game mode;
- Searching with Flashlight;
- Canceling Zombie attack;
- Bug fixes.
Advanced Logics
Use turns, advance round and change player
Basic players logics
Setup and change items
Basic functional gameboard
First playable version