SELinux/golang remote control server
This is a HTTPS REST API server for controlling your SELinux environment It uses client certs for authentication
- Switch between enforcing and permissive modes
- Change any booleans
- Do a restorecon, including recursive
- ... to be continued
- You can save access if SELinux is enforcing and something goes wrong
- You can give and opportunity to devops/developers to temporary disable SELinux for tests or in case of emergency
- Add something by yourself :)
- You must have libselinux installed on your system
- You must set GOPATH and GOBIN environment variables
- Just type go get
- Generate ca, server and client certs via openssl or similar way. You can take example keys from example/pki/
- Run it via $GOBIN/selinux-rc 8443 ca.crt server.crt server.key
- ...
- Enjoy
curl -k --cert client.crt --key client.key "https://localhost:8443/info"
curl -k --cert client.crt --key client.key -X POST "https://localhost:8443/booleans"
curl -k --cert client.crt --key client.key -X PUT "https://localhost:8443/enable/staff_use_svirt"
curl -k --cert client.crt --key client.key -X PUT "https://localhost:8443/disable/staff_use_svirt"
curl -k --cert client.crt --key client.key -X PUT "https://localhost:8443/setenforce/1
curl -k --cert client.crt --key client.key -X PUT "https://localhost:8443/setenforce/0"
curl -k --cert client.crt --key client.key -X POST "https://localhost:8443/restorecon/root/123?recursive=true"