WezTerm Configuration
This is my customized WezTerm configuration to enhance my terminal experience. Below are the details of the configuration options and features:
Install WezTerm if you haven't already. You can find installation instructions at WezTerm GitHub.
Clone this repository to your local machine: git clone <repository_url>
Copy the wezterm.lua file to the WezTerm configuration directory. This directory is typically located at:
- Windows: %APPDATA%\wezterm
- Linux: ~/.config/wezterm
- macOS: ~/.config/wezterm
Restart WezTerm or reload the configuration using the command: wezterm --config-reload
- Maximize on Startup: The terminal window maximizes automatically on startup for better visibility.
- Custom Font and Size: I use JetBrains Mono font with a font size of 12.
- Color Scheme: I've chosen the "Gruvbox Dark Hard" color scheme for a visually appealing experience.
- Tab Bar Customization: I've customized the tab bar to match the color scheme and provide a clear distinction between active and inactive tabs.
- Key Mappings: Various key mappings are customized for efficient navigation and operation within the terminal.
- Other Configurations: Additional configurations for window decorations, scrollback lines, etc., are set according to personal preferences.
Feel free to explore and modify the configuration to suit your needs!