Pokedex is a mobile application that serves as a mini-encyclopedia of the various species, evolutions, and moves of different pokemon types. This app displays information of more than 1000 pokemon fetched from the assets directory to a sleek, accessible, and aesthetically pleasing user interface.
From Bulbasaur to Eternamax, Pikachu to Arcotozolt, Charmander to Mega Charizard Y, you’ll find all 896 pokemon and their variations till the 8th Generation.
- Search your favorite Pokémon by filtering by name, type, or id.
- Get detailed info about each Pokémon, such as Pikachu, Mew, etc.
- Contains all 896 Pokémon, along with their Mega, Giga, Galarian, Alolan variants.
- Visual images of every Pokémon.
- Evolution Tree for each Pokémon.
- Detailed info about every move from all games.
- Download or clone the repo.
git clone https://github.com/anshrathod/Pokedex
- Go the parent directory of the repository.
cd Pokedex
- Download all the dependencies.
flutter pub get
- Connect your phone to the laptop via USB. And, then run the code.
flutter run