Automatically create a backport for the stable-2.13 branch
Automatically create a backport for the stable-2.14 branch
Automatically create a backport for the stable-2.15 branch
Automatically create a backport for the stable-2.16 branch
Automatically create a backport for the stable-2.17 branch
Automatically create a backport for the stable-2.18 branch
This change is blocked on another task
Relevant to the persona of community maintainer
This PR requires approval from the Ansible Core team
Good discussion item for the DaWGs
PR to update pinned dependencies
Relates to building the documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Good issure for Hacktoberfest participants
Extra attention is needed
Use "Create a merge commit" when applying this PR
requesting more detail from OP
Needs a first human triage before being processed.
This PR is the first contribution by a new community member.
This PR should not be backported. devel only.
Issue or PR in the pr_labeler triager bot
Further information is requested
Do not merge until the next release.
Related to the migration of content to readthedocs