Real-time parallel processing for cameras or scientific x-ray detectors. Based on QT and MPI.
- See the file, detectorMPIManual.pdf.
- To edit user manual, soffice detectorMPIManual.odt
git clone
- edit files...
- git add edited_file
- git commit or git commit -a
- Submit a pull request to add changes to master
To see the origin on github:
- git remote -v
To push your commits to github:
First you need to assicoate the repo w/ the github origin w/ username
git remote set-url origin https://[email protected]/argonnexraydetector/detectorMPI.git
Below will push your git repo to the github:
- git push origin
- You need the secret password..
Set up your git
- git config --global "John Doe"
- git config --global [email protected]
- git config --global core.editor nedit
Git how to book: