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Added experimental implementation for finding of the points of quanti…
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…le regression envelopes for 2D data.
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antononcube committed Nov 2, 2014
1 parent 4c66e65 commit fed0aba
Showing 1 changed file with 72 additions and 1 deletion.
73 changes: 72 additions & 1 deletion QuantileRegression.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Quantile regression Mathematica package
Copyright (C) 2013 Anton Antonov
Copyright (C) 2014 Anton Antonov
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ I experimented with using DualLinearProgramming (provided by Mathematica) and wi
2. the B-spline quantile regression function returns anonymous functions.

Added experimental implementation for finding of the points of quantile regression envelopes for 2D data.

1. Better messages.
Expand All @@ -68,6 +73,7 @@ I experimented with using DualLinearProgramming (provided by Mathematica) and wi

QuantileRegression::usage = "QuantileRegression[data,ks_List,qs] finds the regression quantiles corresponding to the quantiles qs for a list of data as linear combinations splines generated over the knots ks. With the signature QuantileRegression[data,n_Integer,qs] n equally spaced knots are generated. The order of the splines is specified with the option InterpolationOrder."

QuantileEnvelope::usage = "QuantileRegression[data_?MatrixQ,qs:(_?NumberQ|{_?NumberQ..}),n_Integer] experimental implementation of quantile envelopes points finding."


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -337,6 +343,71 @@ I experimented with using DualLinearProgramming (provided by Mathematica) and wi
] /; order > 0;

(* QuantileEnvelope *)

QuantileEnvelope::qenargs = "Three arguments are expected, two column data matrix, quantiles, and a number of curve points.";
QuantileEnvelope::qemat = "The first argument is expected to be a numeric two column data matrix.";
QuantileEnvelope::qeqs = "The second argument is expected to be a number or a list of numbers between 0 and 1.";
QuantileEnvelope::qen = "The third argument is expected to be an integer greater than 2.";

Options[QuantileEnvelope] = {"Tangents" -> True};
QuantileEnvelope[data_, qs_, n_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
If[! MatrixQ[data, NumberQ],
If[! (TrueQ[ VectorQ[qs, NumberQ] && Apply[And, Map[0 <= # <= 1 &, qs]]] || TrueQ[NumberQ[qs] && (0 <= qs <= 1)]),
If[! TrueQ[IntegerQ[n] && (n > 2)],
QuantileEnvelopeSimple[data, qs, n, opts]

Options[QuantileEnvelopeSimple] = Options[QuantileEnvelope];
QuantileEnvelopeSimple[data_?MatrixQ, q_?NumberQ, n_Integer, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := QuantileEnvelopeSimple[data, {q}, n, opts];
QuantileEnvelopeSimple[dataArg_?MatrixQ, qs : {_?NumberQ ..}, n_Integer, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
Block[{data = dataArg, center, scale, rmat, rmats, qfuncs, x1, x2, y1, rqfuncs, intPoints, t, tangentsQ},

(* Option values *)
tangentsQ = TrueQ[OptionValue[QuantileEnvelopeSimple, "Tangents"]];

(* Standardize *)
center = Mean /@ Transpose[data];
scale = InterquartileRange /@ Transpose[data];
data = Map[(# - center)/scale &, data];

(* Rotation matrices *)
rmat = N[RotationMatrix[2 \[Pi]/n]];
rmats = NestList[rmat.# &, rmat, n - 1];
qfuncs = Transpose[ Map[Function[{m}, Quantile[(m.Transpose[data])[[2]], qs]], rmats]];
rqfuncs = Map[Function[{qfs}, MapThread[ Flatten[Expand[{x1, y1}.#1 /. y1 -> #2]] &, {rmats, qfs}]], qfuncs];
intPoints = Table[(
t =
Equal @@@ Transpose[{rqfuncs[[k, i]], rqfuncs[[k, If[i >= Length[rqfuncs[[k]]], 1, i + 1]]] /. x1 -> x2}];
t = {x1, x2} /. ToRules[Reduce[t, {x1, x2}]];
rqfuncs[[k, i]] /. x1 -> t[[1]]
), {k, 1, Length[rqfuncs]}, {i, 1, Length[rqfuncs[[k]]]}],

intPoints = Map[Function[{qfs}, MapThread[{0, #2}.#1 &, {rmats, qfs}]], qfuncs];

(* Reverse standardizing *)

intPoints = Map[(#*scale + center) &, intPoints, {2}];



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