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Add the parameters of the planet/star system to the $SUNBATHER_PROJECT_PATH/planets.txt file. Make sure the SED you specify in planets.txt is present in the $CLOUDY_PATH/data/SED/ folder in the right format. Then run the construct_parker.py
module in your terminal (use -help
to see the arguments).
The composition usually has to be specified at two stages:
When creating the Parker wind profiles with the
module: You can choose to use a pure H/He composition (which usesp-winds
standalone) by specifying the hydrogen fraction by number with the-fH
argument. You can also choose an arbitrary composition that includes metal species (which usesp-winds
and Cloudy in tandem) with the-z
arguments. In this case,-z
specifies a metallicity relative to solar and is thus a scaling factor for all metal species.-zelem
can be used to scale the abundance of individual elements, for example as-zelem Na=3 Mg+=10 Fe+2=0.5 K=0
. Note that-z
can be used together and are multiplicative. Inconstruct_parker.py
, the composition only affects the wind structure through the mean molecular weight. Therefore, using-z
is only needed for (highly) supersolar metallicities; using-fH 0.9
will usually suffice for a solar composition atmosphere. -
When simulating Parker wind profiles with Cloudy with the
module: You can specify the composition with the-z
arguments as explained under point 1. The default is a solar composition, so-z 1
. If you want to simulate a pure H/He composition with Cloudy, you can pass-z 0
(and specify the He abundance through-zelem He=...)
. Contrary to point 1 however, inconvergeT_parker.py
, the metal content directly affects the thermal structure and XUV absorption, so we recommend using-z 1
even when you only make hydrogen and helium spectra.
Create the Parker wind profile with construct_parker.py
and simulate it with Cloudy with convergeT_parker.py
while making sure you specify for which species you want to save output with the -save_sp
argument (if unsure, just pass -save_sp all
). Then, load the Cloudy output in your Python script with the tools.Sim
class (see FAQ below), and use the RT.FinFout()
function to make the transit spectrum. At minimum, RT.FinFout()
expects the Sim
object, a wavelength array, and a list of species for which to calculate the spectrum. See the sunbather/examples/fit_helium.ipynb notebook for an example.
The safest way is to add another entry in the $SUNBATHER_PROJECT_PATH/planets.txt file, with the same parameter values, but a different "name" and "SEDname" (the "full name" can be the same).
Alternatively and more prone to mistakes, the construct_parker.py
and convergeT_parker.py
modules also has the -SEDname
argument which allows you to specify a different name of the SED file without making a new entry in the planets.txt file. In this case, it is strongly advised to use a different -pdir
and -dir
(that references the SED type) as well.
Generally, for one planet you may want to create Parker wind profiles with different temperatures, mass-loss rates, but also different atmospheric compositions. The -pdir
and -dir
correspond to actual folders on your machine. Each folder groups together profiles with different -pdir
and -dir
effectively allow you to separate the profiles by composition. -pdir
corresponds to the folder where the Parker wind structure (i.e. density and velocity as a function of radius) is stored: $SUNBATHER_PROJECT_PATH/parker_profiles/planetname/pdir/, and -dir
corresponds to the folder where the Cloudy simulations of the profiles are stored: $SUNBATHER_PROJECT_PATH/sims/1D/planetname/dir/.
For example, you can make one -pdir
which stores a grid of -dir
argument is not the exact same as the -pdir
argument, is that you may want to create your Parker wind structure profile only once (in one -pdir
folder) but then run it multiple times with Cloudy while changing the abundance of one particular trace element (in multiple -dir
folders). The latter would usually not really change the atmospheric structure, but could produce a very different spectral feature.
The Sim
class in the tools.py
module can be used to read in simulations by giving the full path to the simulation. Cloudy output is separated into different output files, which all have the same name but a different extension. The bulk structure of the atmosphere (including temperature and density) is stored in the ".ovr" file. The radiative heating and cooling rates as a function of radius are stored in the ".heat" and ".cool" files. The densities of different energy levels of different atomic/ionic species are stored in the ".den" file. These files are all read in as a Pandas dataframe and can be accessed as follows:
import sys
import tools
mysimulation = tools.Sim(tools.projectpath+"/sims/1D/planetname/dir/parker_T_Mdot/converged")
#to get the planet parameters of this simulation:
mysimulation.p.R #radius
mysimulation.p.Mstar #mass of host star
#to get Cloudy output
mysimulation.ovr.alt #radius grid of the following profiles:
mysimulation.ovr.rho #density profile
mysimulation.ovr.Te #temperature profile
mysimulation.ovr.v #velocity profile
mysimulation.cool.ctot #total radiative cooling
mysimulation.den['H[1]'] #density of ground-state atomic hydrogen
mysimulation.den['He[2]'] #density of metastable helium
mysimulation.den['Fe+2[10]'] #density of the tenth energy level of Fe 2+
Yes, you can pass the -constantT
flag to convergeT_parker.py
to simulate the Parker wind profile without converging on a nonisothermal temperature structure. This will save a Cloudy simulation called "constantT" and the folder structure works the same way as for converged simulations: you again need to pass a -dir
where the simulation is saved, and you can in principle use the same directory that you use for converged profiles (but you will need to pass the -overwrite
flag if the converged nonisothermal simulation already exists - nothing will be overwritten in this case though!).
I forgot to specify for which species I want Cloudy output with the -save_sp
argument. Do I need to run convergeT_parker.py
again from scratch?
You can use the tools.insertden_Cloudy_in()
function to add species to a (converged) Cloudy simulation file and run it again, without having to go through the temperature convergence scheme again. If you want to do this for a grid of Parker wind models, you will have to set up a loop over the correct filepaths yourself.
You can "trick" the code into running an arbitrary outflow profile by saving your density and velocity profile in the expected file format in the $SUNBATHER_PROJECT_PATH/parker_profiles/ folder. For example, you can create a simple density and velocity profile in Python:
p = tools.Planet('generic_planet') #make sure you add the parameters in planets.txt
r = np.linspace(1, 10, num=1000) * p.R #in cm
rho = 1e-15 / np.linspace(1, 10, num=1000)**3 #falls with r^3
v = 5e4 * np.linspace(1, 10, num=1000) #starts at 0.5km/s, increases linearly with r so that Mdot = 4 pi rho v r^2 is constant
mu = np.repeat(np.nan, 1000) #mu is not used by convergeT_parker.py
print("log(Mdot) =", np.log10(4*np.pi*r[0]**2*rho[0]*v[0]))
np.savetxt(tools.projectpath+'/parker_profiles/'+p.name+'/geometric/pprof_'+p.name+'_T=0_M=0.000.txt', np.column_stack((r, rho, v, mu)), delimiter='\t')
You can then solve the temperature structure of this profile with: python convergeT_parker.py -plname generic_planet -pdir geometric -dir geometric -T 0 -Mdot 0
Similarly, you could for example postprocess the density and velocity profile of an ATES simulation (Caldiroli et al. 2021) with sunbather to produce a transmission spectrum.
The construct_parker.py
module always creates a profile up until 20
The convergeT_parker.py
module by default simulates the atmosphere with Cloudy up until 8 -altmax
The RT.FinFout()
function by default makes a transit spectrum based on the full Cloudy simulation (so up until 8 cut_at
argument. For example, if you want to include only material up until the planet's Roche radius when making the transit spectrum, it generally doesn't hurt to leave construct_parker.py
and convergeT_parker.py
at the default values, and just pass cut_at=mysimulation.p.Rroche
to RT.FinFout()
(assuming mysimulation
is the tools.Sim
object of your Cloudy simulation).