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NLP bullying detector for tweets with ML model training pipeline deployed as web-app with CICD

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This repository contains source code for simple end-to-end cyberbullying detector application. Produced artifacts are deployed in the following way:


Users are able to classify polish tweets with Python interpreter that has installed the cbd_client package (available on PyPi) or any other http protocol tool like Postman. When they send request to flask application, the deployed ML model is inferred to classify text into one of following classes (non-harmful, cyberbullying, hate_speech).


In order to see how the app works go to demo folder and follow the manual.

Contents of repository

Repository consists of following modules:

├── client
├── demo
├── docs
└── ml_pipeline
    ├── app
    └── svm


This module contains source code of the cbd-client package.


This module contains images that are rendered here.


This module contains the Jupyter Notebook that shows how the solution works in reality. Simple manual of environment configuration is also attached.

ML Pipeline

This module contains source code of the web application and machine learning aspects of the project. The app directory stores the Flask application. The svm directory stores the entire machine learning "pipeline" to (1) produce dataset, (2) train model, (3) inference the model. It also includes data sets and evaluation scripts.


Entire codebase is designed to produce three, following artifacts:

  • Machine Learning model that classify input tweets as non-harmful, cyberbullying or hate_speech (can be found directly in the repo)
  • Docker image which contains the web application that serves the model inference (can be found on Docker Hub); it's good to mention that is weights only about 200 MB
  • Python package which facilitates clients to connect with application service and query the api to inference model (can be found on PyPi)

Continuous integration

To facilitate the integration works we decided to implement two CI pipelines, so that main artifacts can be automatically built. Due to the fact that GitHub was chosen as DevOps platform, we implemented, so called, GitHub Actions. They are stored in the .github folder.

docker-image.yml includes pipeline that automatically builds docker image that contains the application to serve the CBD model. After docker image is built, the pipeline publishes it on the Docker Hub.

package-build.yml includes pipeline that automatically builds and publish on the Python package that includes client code.

Code quality

In order to create the code that can be relatively easy read by side programmers, we decided to use pre-commit tool that enables to run inspection tools over the code at every attempt to commit changes in the repository. The configuration file can be found here. Briefly, it executes lints like Black, Flake8 or MyPy and unit-test that have been created.

Software engineering - discussion

It's obvious that this code can be implemented better, however the time limit to finish the prototype enforced us to balance between transparency of solution and its sophistication. Although some actions have been done to bring code of good quality, we are aware that there are many things that can be done in the future in this field, like:

  • move tests from local pre-commit hook to GitHub action,
  • prepare MLOps pipeline that automatically process datasets, builds model and deploy it,
  • write more tests (not only unit),
  • modify rest api so that it can also handle batch requests,
  • modify the docker-image.yml so that it can automatically update docker image on the GCP machine,
  • in case of need to change model do deep one, we can consider using GCP machine and Docker image that supports GPU acceleration,
  • check all licenses of used libraries (use e.g. FOSSA tool),
  • prepare documentation of the code and publish it online (use e.g. Sphinx and Read the Docs server).

Machine learning - model choice rationale

The Machine learning model is an integral part of entire solution. Therefore, in order to determine the way should be designed, one must balance between many factors. Of course, we can exclude entire business domain, because the purpose of this implementation is to prepare end-to-end solution in short time, with no budget, and by one person. Nonetheless, factors like available data and its quality, computational power, simplicity of model and so on must be taken into account. Hence, we determined a following approach.

Analysis of existing solutions

In this step we searched for articles and web tutorials how this problem is being solved. Of course there are many existing solutions, but no for Polish language.

Hopefully the results from PolEval 2019 competition were available, and that helped a lot in further development. The chapter "Results of the PolEval 2019 Shared Task 6: First Dataset and Open Shared Task for Automatic Cyberbullying Detection in Polish Twitter" described in comprehensive way the way dataset was collected and from high level point of view submitted solutions by competitors. The result table contained names of models, and a score they gained. Moreover, the description of Task 6.2 (the very same this project implements) contained the evaluation script written in Pearl to assess the model. We noted particularly two submissions - the winning one (Maciej Biesek's), and the one presented by Katarzyna Krasnowska-Kieraś and Alina Wróblewska. First was interesting because of the fact, that mr Biesek tested three different models, and the simplest turned out to be the best in the entire competition. The approach presented by ladies mentioned above was interesting, because it showed a very promising way to enhance the dataset.

Dataset overview

In order to analyse the dataset we decided first to read collected tweets. All of them were anonimised (the account name has been replaced with '@anonymized_account'). Dataset included emoticons, that can be helpful in detection of their emotional content. However, contrary to authors of the dataset, it has not been cleaned very well. There were a lot of tweets that contained a special-escape characters, like '\n' ''' etc. Their presence was certainly related with encoding mismatch during pulling tweets via api, and it couldn't been easily fixed in preprocessing pipeline.

The second thing was the analysis of classes distribution. In order to do it we plotted following bar plots via Matplotlib:

Classes distribution in train data Classes distribution in test data

As we can see, the original dataset was highly imbalanced, and that should be taken into account during implementation.

Selection of a baseline model

As a baseline we decided to base on code of Maciej Biesek, who won the competition. He uploaded three different algorithms - supported vector machine (1st place), recurrent neural network (6th place) and Flair model (4th place). Eventually we decided to use the SVM because of its performance and simplicity (e.g. we expected to obtain light model).

Entire code is available on GitHub. We must admit, it contains very clear scripts, which, considering its prototype character, facilitates understanding of his approach.

Inference with existing models

Mr Biesek’s repository doesn't contain any listing of libraries, that made us difficult to reproduce the python environment. Fortunately we had serialised models there, and that was an ‘anchor point’ for recreating step. After it was completed, we successfully ran SVM and obtained the same values of metrics as are listed in official results. We also trained a new one with no modification of the code which resulted in the same way.

Choice of validation metrics

Since we decided to 'get inspired' by PolEval competitors, the usage of its evaluation script became natural. Therefore, to validate obtained models we computed Micro-Average F-score and Macro-Average F-score over the PolEval testing dataset.

Experiments & results

After we reproduced mr Biesek's pipeline, our first thought was to borrow idea from mrs Krasnowska-Kieraś and try to enhance available data in order to reduce imbalance. In the additional script (ml_pipeline/svm/ a pipeline that perform translating loop using Google Translator API was implemented. With it, we added about 1500 tweets from two most niche classes, which changed the data distribution:

enhanced dataset distr

The next idea that followed to improve the tweet processing and to remove some artifacts, especially from tweets that have been added to dataset. We did it by modification of ml_pipeline/smv/

Below we also present a set of results we obtained:

Model name Micro-Average F1 Macro-Average F1
PolEval2019 Baseline model 87.6 51.8
PolEval2019 Own model 87.7 52.0
Dataset enhanced (PL>EN>DE>PL) 87.5 55.6
Improved sentence processing 86.7 54.6
Dataset enhanced (PL>EN>DE>PL, PL>CZ>RU>PL) 86.4 53.2

Despite changes in the original pipeline, we decided to keep its main architecture, that can be presented in the diagram below:

Machine learning - discussion

In the pipeline we skipped step of parameters tuning. It has been done because of lack of time, anyway we can (wih small effort) use some out of the box methods provided in Scikit Image like Grid search, Randomized search . With them, we will be able to obtain parameters of the model that result with the best performance of classifier on given dataset. In case it won't be to do it on the complex classifier (like the sklearn Pipeline) we can do it only on SVC.

We can also use K-fold cross validation with stratification to improve model fitting.

Continuing with dataset improvment is also a good idea. Machine translations that has been done with Google Translate API were not perfect and quite messy. Therefore, we can try to simplify them by removing one step, for instance instead of pl->en->de->pl go with pl->en->pl. We can also use only West Slavic languages (Czech, Slovakian, Lausitzian) to improve the quality of translations.

Originally, we intended to test more algorithms than one, but lack of time made it impossible. The most interesting would be implementing a RNN like LSTM (especially that we have a baseline from PolEval 2019). We can also use some pre-trained models and perform the transfer-learning ( like n-waves).

In case of promising results we can think of ensembling those classifiers to improve results.


Software engineering:

Machine learning:


NLP bullying detector for tweets with ML model training pipeline deployed as web-app with CICD







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Contributors 3
