The mock server as name suggested is designed to test mock api's for developers (want to enhance or develop based on API Contracts).
Clone the ONDC Mocker Server repository
git clone
Git repository contain submodules (instruction_set) that must be fetched. For this run the following commands :
git submodule init
git submodule update
Clone the ONDC Mocker Instruction repository
git clone
Make one folder (Lets say public-transit)
Create 3 folder inside it. 1. public_transit (It will contain operations,payload,template) 2. schema (It will contain schema's for all API contracts) 3. public-transit.yaml
In ondc-mock-server, to sync the code for intruction set always run command
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
Copy the folder you want to run (For eg: If we want to run on_demand then copy on_demand folder,schema folder and on_demand.yaml to base level where our package.json lies)
Change the name of your file in Dockerfile (by default ./on_demand.yaml would run)
Start Docker Desktop application.
Run “docker build -t ondc .” in your terminal or in your vs studio terminal ensure that you are in the project path.
Run “docker run -dp 5500:5500 ondc” to start the container with port 5500.
You would be able to hit any api now.
To stop the container you need container id for this run docker ps and copy the container id in which image ondc. Then run “docker stop <container_id>“
To remove the container run “docker rm <container_id>”
To delete an image run “docker rmi -f ondc”
There must be a separate payload for every API.
All the payloads should be named in the correct format as mentioned in the table below.
The utility validates all the payloads as documented in the API Contract.
Payloads (Correct Format) |
search.json |
on_search.json |
select.json |
on_select.json |
init.json |
on_init.json |
confirm.json |
on_confirm.json |
cancel.json |
on_cancel.json |
track.json |
on_track.json |
on_status |
update.json |
on_update |
support.json |
on_support.json |
There are two type of responses we can get for each payload - Sync and Async
- Sync Response :
For sync respone, we should have sync_mode (in respective yaml file for eg : on_demand.yaml) as true Also we can set verify_sign as false (in respective yaml file for eg : on_demand.yaml) if we dont want to send the signatures in header Url to hit is - http://localhost:5500/search It will give response for search as on_search, init as on_init and so on. For eg: If we will have payload for search as
"context": {
"country": "IND",
"domain": "ONDC:TRV10",
"timestamp": "2023-06-27T04:41:16Z",
"bap_id": "",
"transaction_id": "6743e9e2-4fb5-487c-92b7-13ba8018f176",
"message_id": "35513745-7bfc-43b0-aff4-bb414f98a11d",
"city": "std:080",
"core_version": "1.0.0",
"action": "search",
"bap_uri": "http://localhost:3400/"
"message": {
"intent": {
"fulfillment": {
"start": {
"location": {
"gps": "12.923608703179461, 77.61462964117527"
"end": {
"location": {
"gps": "12.9346302, 77.61533969999999"
If schema validates the ouput will be as follows :
"context": {
"country": "IND",
"bpp_uri": "http://localhost:5500/",
"domain": "ONDC:TRV10",
"timestamp": "2023-06-27T07:42:26.274Z",
"bap_id": "",
"transaction_id": "6743e9e2-4fb5-487c-92b7-13ba8018f176",
"bpp_id": "localhost:5500",
"message_id": "35513745-7bfc-43b0-aff4-bb414f98a11d",
"city": "std:080",
"core_version": "1.0.0",
"action": "on_search",
"bap_uri": "http://localhost:3400/"
"message": {
"catalog": {
"bpp/descriptor": {
"name": "Test Name"
"bpp/providers": [
"locations": [
"id": "1",
"gps": "12.9164682,77.6089985"
"items": [
"id": "HR26DQ5551",
"descriptor": {
"name": "Auto Ride",
"code": "RIDE"
"price": {
"maximum_value": "156",
"currency": "INR",
"minimum_value": "176"
"tags": {
"groups/1/descriptor/name": "Daytime Charges",
"groups/1/descriptor/code": "fare_policy",
"groups/1/display": "true",
"groups/1/list/1/descriptor/name": "Min Fare upto 2 km",
"groups/1/list/1/value": "₹ 30 upto 2 km",
"groups/1/list/2/descriptor/name": "Rate above Min. Fare",
"groups/1/list/2/descriptor/code": "extra_fare",
"groups/1/list/2/value": "₹15 / km",
"groups/1/list/3/descriptor/name": "Driver Pickup Charges",
"groups/1/list/3/descriptor/code": "pickup_charges",
"groups/1/list/3/value": "₹ 10",
"groups/1/list/4/descriptor/name": "Nominal Fare",
"groups/1/list/4/descriptor/short_desc": "Driver may quote extra to cover for traffic, chance of return trip, etc.",
"groups/1/list/4/descriptor/code": "nominal_fare",
"groups/1/list/4/value": "₹ 10",
"groups/1/list/5/descriptor/name": "Waiting Charges",
"groups/1/list/5/descriptor/short_desc": "Driver may quote extra to cover for traffic, chance of return trip, etc.",
"groups/1/list/5/descriptor/code": "waiting_charges",
"groups/1/list/5/value": "₹ 0 / min",
"groups/2/descriptor/name": "Night Charges",
"groups/2/descriptor/code": "fare_policy",
"groups/2/display": "true",
"groups/2/list/1/descriptor/name": "Night Charges",
"groups/2/list/1/descriptor/code": "night_charges",
"groups/2/list/1/value": "1.5x of daytime charges applicable at night from 10 PM to 5 PM",
"groups/2/list/2/descriptor/name": "Night Shift Start",
"groups/2/list/2/descriptor/code": "night_shift_start_time",
"groups/2/list/2/value": "22:00:00",
"groups/2/list/3/descriptor/name": "Night Shift End",
"groups/2/list/3/descriptor/code": "night_shift_end_time",
"groups/2/list/3/value": "05:00:00",
"groups/3/descriptor/name": "General Information",
"groups/3/descriptor/code": "info",
"groups/3/display": "true",
"groups/3/list/1/descriptor/name": "Distance to nearest driver",
"groups/3/list/1/descriptor/code": "distance_to_nearest_driver",
"groups/3/list/1/value": "661 m",
"groups/3/list/2/descriptor/name": "Wait time upto",
"groups/3/list/2/descriptor/code": "waiting_time_estimated_threshold",
"groups/3/list/2/value": "3 min"
"fulfillment_id": "fb5c84d4-1b59-4b9d-96b5-9d79107432c5",
"payment_id": "1"
"fulfillments": [
"id": "fb5c84d4-1b59-4b9d-96b5-9d79107432c5",
"start": {
"location": {
"gps": "12.923608703179461, 77.61462964117527"
"end": {
"location": {
"gps": "12.9346302, 77.61533969999999"
"vehicle": {
"category": "AUTO_RICKSHAW"
"tags": {
"groups/1/descriptor/code": "route_info",
"groups/1/descriptor/name": "Route Information",
"groups/1/display": "true",
"groups/1/list/1/descriptor/code": "encoded_polyline",
"groups/1/list/1/descriptor/name": "Path",
"groups/1/list/1/value": "_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@",
"groups/1/list/2/descriptor/code": "waypoints",
"groups/1/list/2/descriptor/name": "Waypoints",
"groups/1/list/2/value": "[{\"gps\":\"12.9099828, 77.6118226\"},{\"gps\":\"12.9099828, 77.6118226\"},{\"gps\":\"12.9099828, 77.6118226\"},{\"gps\":\"12.9099828, 77.6118226\"}]"
"payments": [
"id": "1",
"collected_by": "BPP"
- Async Response :
For async respone, we should have sync_mode (in respective yaml file for eg : on_demand.yaml) as false Also we can set verify_sign as false (in respective yaml file for eg : on_demand.yaml) if we dont want to send the signatures in header Url to hit is - http://localhost:5500/search It will give response as Ack and Nack based upon schema validates or not For eg: If we will have payload for search as
"context": {
"domain": "nic2004:52110",
"country": "IND",
"city": "std:022",
"action": "search",
"core_version": "1.1.0",
"bap_id": "",
"bap_uri": "http://localhost:3400/",
"transaction_id": "6e41a9dc-4f41-40f3-b940-e48b7c603829",
"message_id": "a52338b4-a0a0-47b9-be2a-0f446b0d4080",
"timestamp": "2023-06-13T02:19:29.588Z",
"ttl": "PT30S"
"message": {
"intent": {
"item": {
"descriptor": {
"name": "wai wai"
"fulfillment": {
"type": "Delivery",
"end": {
"location": {
"gps": "18.9391840000001,72.837118"
"payment": {
"@ondc/org/buyer_app_finder_fee_type": "percent",
"@ondc/org/buyer_app_finder_fee_amount": "3.0"
If schema validates the ouput will be as follows :
"message": {
"ack": {
"status": "ACK"