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pblain edited this page Apr 10, 2015 · 3 revisions

The AODN Geospatial Portal is a front end to GeoNetwork and other web services. You will need to point your portal instance at a GeoNetwork instance. The metadata served by GeoNetwork must reference online resources for WMS and data download services. It must also be marked up with terms that conform to the AODN vocabularies.


Our GeoNetork build contains all the necessary schema plugins and vocabularies.

You can find the latest version on our Jenkins server. Just download geonetwork.war and deploy it to a tomcat instance.

Metadata configuration

There are instructions below, but the easiest way may be to look at some examples:

Go to the IMOS instance of the AODN portal.

Choose a data collection that is similar to the one you wish to publish.

Follow the link to the metadata. A link to the metadata is available in three places for each data collection. You can find it by following the "continue reading" link on Step 1. You can find it under the "info" tab on Step 2. You can also find it by following the "view metadata record" link on Step 3. Each of these links will take you to our GeoNetwork Catalog. From there you can choose "XML view" to see how the data collection was configured.

Copy the metadata into your own GeoNetwork catalog and modify as appropriate.

Linking to map layers

Each of your metadata records must include a link to a corresponding WMS layer so that it can be displayed in the AODN portal. The following XML fragment is an example:

<gmx:MimeFileType type="text/html">imos:argo_profile_layer_map</gmx:MimeFileType>
<gco:CharacterString>Argo Profiles</gco:CharacterString>

The AODN portal can also display ncWMS layers. Here is an example:

<gmd:applicationProfile gco:nilReason="missing">
<gmd:description gco:nilReason="missing">

Download Options

Download types and configurations are documented here.

Some examples follow:

Linking to a WFS for data download

You also need to include a download service in your metadata. The AODN portal will send a request to your download service when the user clicks "download".

The preferred data download service is Geoserver WFS. We prefer the GeoServer implementation of WFS because it allows data to be filtered.


<gco:CharacterString>This OGC WFS service returns filtered geographic information. The returned data is available in multiple formats including CSV.</gco:CharacterString>

List of URLs (BODAAC)

The AODN portal will also accept a link to a BODAAC service that returns OpenDAP URLs matching a query. This option is useful if your data is stored in netCDF files instead of a relational database. In this case users will get a list of URLs if they click the download button.


<gco:CharacterString>The BODAAC is a WFS service that returns a list of OpenDAP URLs matching a query.</gco:CharacterString>

GoGoDuck for serving subsetted/aggregated gridded data

Another data download option is the GoGoDuck, which extends the BODAAC. We developed the GoGoDuck service in-house for sub-setting and aggregating gridded data. If you wish to specify a GoGoDuck, you will need two online resource sections: the GoGoDuck resource itself, and a BODAAC resource that tells the GoGoDuck where to find the files.

GoGoDuck example:

<gco:CharacterString>The GoGoDuck subsets and aggregates gridded data. Data is returned as a NetCDF file.</gco:CharacterString>

nb. You also need a BODAAC section (see previous example)

Attached data

You can also make data available by linking directly to a file.


<gmx:MimeFileType type="application/pdf">argo-dm-user-manual.pdf</gmx:MimeFileType>
<gco:CharacterString>Argo User's Manual</gco:CharacterString>

Other download options

The AODN portal supports the AODAAC, which is similar to the GoGoDuck.


Our vocabularies are available separately via the ANDS vocabulary service.