Kogito Serverless Operator v1.35.0
This is an Alpha release !!
Serverless Kogito Operator is a Kubernetes based operator for Serverless Workflow' deployment.
What's Changed
- Clean task by @desmax74 in kiegroup#2
- State and crd by @desmax74 in kiegroup#4
- State and Transition by @desmax74 in kiegroup#5
- Bundles by @desmax74 in kiegroup#6
- open-api by @desmax74 in kiegroup#7
- Changes in order to be able to deploy in k8s/ocp the operator by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#8
- Changed apiGroup and added first e2e test by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#9
- [KOGITO-7856] Export a Kogito compliant workflow file (YAML or JSON) … by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#14
- [kogito-7689] optimize the object state definition by @desmax74 in kiegroup#15
- [KOGITO-7856] Export a Kogito compliant workflow file (YAML or JSON) … by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#17
- [KOGITO-7899]-Integrate Kaniko into SWF Operator by @desmax74 in kiegroup#16
- [KOGITO-7839] Align the apiVersion to the Kogito API Implementation o… by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#18
- [KOGITO-7839] Align apiGroup to sw.kogito.kie.org by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#21
- [KOGITO-8006] Switching to patched kogito-builder module to avoid a R… by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#20
- [KOGITO-7856] Fixes to export a Kogito compliant JSON workflow defini… by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#25
- [KOGITO-7838] - Alignment of the API for the Workflow object by @amadhusu in kiegroup#24
- [KOGITO-7838] - Alignment of typebuilders and converters after Workfl… by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#26
- [Kogito-8082]Relaxing constraint on state fields branches duration onEvents by @desmax74 in kiegroup#27
- [KOGITO-8049] Update the CNCF Serverless Workflow Golang SDK to Specs… by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#28
- [Kogito-7981] Provide a Build CRD for the kaniko Builder by @desmax74 in kiegroup#23
- [KOGITO-7981] Provide a Build CRD for the kaniko Builder (refactor) by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#29
- [Kogito-8164] Kogito Serverless Workflow Operator Documentation by @desmax74 in kiegroup#31
- [kogito-8173]-Rename Serverless Operator packages after repo trasfert by @desmax74 in kiegroup#32
- update container-build dependencies by @spolti in kiegroup#35
- update pr job to re-trigger when PR is updated by @spolti in kiegroup#36
- KOGITO-8175 Setup Nightly pipeline by @radtriste in kiegroup#34
- Updating api version to v1alpha08 for 1st pre-release on OperatorHub by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#37
- [KOGITO-8179]-Fix Operator imports with Container-builder by @desmax74 in kiegroup#38
- [KOGITO-8179]-Fix Operator imports with Container-builder by @desmax74 in kiegroup#40
- Update version to 2.0.0-snapshot and harmonize bundle by @radtriste in kiegroup#43
- [KOGITO-8194] Upgrade Kogito-serverless-operator to operator-sdk 1.25 by @desmax74 in kiegroup#42
- KOGITO-8176 Setup release pipeline by @radtriste in kiegroup#45
- KOGITO-8273 Fallback to Docker build in Jenkins by @radtriste in kiegroup#46
- [KOGITO-8031] Kogito Serverless Platform CRD implementation and integration by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#41
- Correct README by @radtriste in kiegroup#33
- KOGITO-8290 Setup GHA checks for files by @radtriste in kiegroup#47
- KOGITO-8177 Setup e2e GHA by @radtriste in kiegroup#49
- KOGITO-8062 DSL: Refactor environments by @radtriste in kiegroup#44
- KOGITO-8337 Setup e2e nightlies by @radtriste in kiegroup#50
- Automated pull request backporting workflow by @radtriste in kiegroup#52
- [KOGITO-8298] Improve the Kaniko build time using a pre-warmed cache … by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#51
- GHA: Update
version by @radtriste in kiegroup#54 - [KOGITO-8298] Retrieving Kaniko task only if it is present into the P… by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#56
- KOGITO-8393 Clean release notes on branching by @radtriste in kiegroup#57
- KOGITO-8535 Deploy pipelines: Push built image by @radtriste in kiegroup#59
- Correct deploy pipeline by @radtriste in kiegroup#63
- [KOGITO-8298] Creating Kaniko task when it is not defined into the Bu… by @davidesalerno in kiegroup#65
- [Kogito-8520] Separate plain builder API and Builder-k8s API by @desmax74 in kiegroup#58
- Correct deploy pipeline by @radtriste in kiegroup#68
- [KOGITO-8516] - Introduce Workflow CR in devmode by @ricardozanini in kiegroup#66
- Correct bump-version script (#74) by @radtriste in kiegroup#76
- [1.35.x] Update project version to 1.35.0 by @kie-ci3 in kiegroup#83
New Contributors
- @desmax74 made their first contribution in kiegroup#2
- @davidesalerno made their first contribution in kiegroup#8
- @amadhusu made their first contribution in kiegroup#24
- @spolti made their first contribution in kiegroup#35
Full Changelog: https://github.com/kiegroup/kogito-serverless-operator/commits/v1.35.0