This is my first real stab at playing with Haskell. I've done some work before to write a raycaster, but never got around to making it usable at all--go figure! I should really get back to that at some point...
- Build a repl
At the moment it's pretty raw. The best thing to do is open up ghci and type
:l Hisp
Then you can enter expressions like:
ghci> eval (List [List [Sym "lambda", List [Sym "x"], List [Sym "if", Sym "x", Num 1, Num 3]], Num 3]) initialEnv
Num 1
Or, since there is now a reader, you can enter expressions like:
ghci> eval (readVal "((lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) 41)") initialEnv
Num 42