KubeSurvival allows you to significantly reduce your Kubernetes compute costs by finding the cheapest machine types that can run your workloads successfully.
If you have a multi-tenant environment, ML training jobs, a large number of ML model servers, etc, this tool can help you optimize your K8s compute costs.
To easily define workloads, KubeSurvival uses a very simple DSL:
# Some microservice
pod(cpu: 1, memory: "1Gi") +
# Another microservice - with 3 replicas
pod(cpu: "500m", memory: "2Gi") * 3 +
# More microservices!
pod(cpu: 1, memory: "1Gi") +
pod(cpu: "250m", memory: "1Gi")
) * 3
) * 2 # Production, Staging
This will give you a result such as:
Instance type: t3.medium
Node count: 11
Total Price per Month: USD $340.45
Made with β€οΈ by Aporia
Download a precompiled binary for your operating system from the Releases page.
Alternatively, if you have Go installed, you can run:
$ go install github.com/aporia-ai/kubesurvival/v2
To run KubeSurvival:
./kubesurvival config.yaml
See the examples directory for example config files.
KubeSurvival uses k8s-cluster-simulator to simulate Kubernetes pod scheduling, without running on the actual underlying machines. It iterates over all possible instance types and node counts, simulates a K8s cluster with your workload, and checks if there are any pending pods.
For each simulation it calculates the on-demand cost per month using the ec2-instances-info library. Additionally, it queries the eni-max-pods.txt file to determine what's the maximum number of pods in each instance type.
When simulating a cluster, KubeSurvival always makes sure you have 10% free CPU and Memory on each node.
Finally, KubeSurvival selects the cheapest configuration without pending pods.
Well... a lot actually. Here's a partial list:
- Support for AKS and GKE
- Support for calculating costs of EBS storages
- Support for different node groups (e.g 2 machines with GPU + 4 machines without GPU)
- and probably much more!
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