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Releases: apple/servicetalk


21 Mar 23:42
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This is a minor maintenance release appropriate for all ServiceTalk users that contains several useful improvements and bug fixes. This release is expected to be a "drop-in" replacement for all prior 0.42.X releases.


Behavior Changes

  • 0eb0818 - Mark Publisher.subscribeInternal(Subscriber) method as final (#3194)
    • This internal method was non-final by omission. We expect that nobody uses it.
  • 7a7341a - Prevent concurrent execution of the same mutable request object (#3197)
    • The change may unexpectedly break existing use cases by throwing RejectedSubscribeException if users reuse mutable HTTP or gRPC requests concurrently. Those users must adjust their code asap to avoid doing that. To buy some time, they can use a temporarily introduced system property to opt-out from this validation: -Dio.servicetalk.http.netty.skipConcurrentRequestCheck=true.

New Features

  • 4f4b204 - Add Publisher.firstAndTail(...) operator (#3186)
  • a1d611d - loadbalancer: surface random subsetting behavior in the LoadBalancerBuilder API (#3205)

Bug Fixes

  • fa48ce4 - concurrent-api: defer logging during CapturedContextProviders initialization (#3202)


  • 1af323e - http-utils: Fix bad logging when request and response are present (#3191)
  • 2a09aa2 - Update exception messages from AbstractNoHandleSubscribe sources (#3193)
  • e0d6fc6 - Make all async sources subscribable (#3192)
  • 8545083 - SourceAdapters should convert back and forth without allocation (#3196)
  • 8fa5aab - Align HttpRequester/StreamingHttpRequester with blocking variants (#3201)
  • 31c9c7a - log4j2-mdc: Use SPI instead of (#3204, #3208, #3209)
  • 9a908ef - Increase visibility for unexpected HTTP/2 errors on the server-side (#3206)
  • 31eec9a - loadbalancer: add some logging to RandomSubsetter (#3207)


Thank you

Every idea, review, and bug-report counts and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area. Please report any unintended omission.



12 Feb 16:56
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This is a minor maintenance release appropriate for all ServiceTalk users that contains several useful improvements and bug fixes. This release is expected to be a "drop-in" replacement for all prior 0.42.X releases.



  • f0851de - concurrent-api: make context capture more generic (#3183)
  • b625ab7 - concurrent-api: shave some allocations from new Scope (#3185)
  • c6d55e2 - concurrent-api: cleanup AsyncContext operations (#3181)
  • a7e83b4 - Log runtime values for NativeTransportUtils (#3180)


Thank you

Every idea, review, and bug-report counts and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area. Please report any unintended omission.



15 Jan 23:14
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This is a minor maintenance release appropriate for all ServiceTalk users that contains several useful improvements and bug fixes. This release is expected to be a "drop-in" replacement for all prior 0.42.X releases.


Behavior Changes

  • 85fd41b - Do not cancel subscription on BlockingIterable#hasNext(long, TimeUnit) (#3128, #3154)
    • BlockingIterable#hasNext(long, TimeUnit) no longer cancels the subscription if the operation times out. This makes it consistent with the behavior of java.util.concurrent.Future.get(long, TimeUnit) and helps to preserve the stream for future use. However, this could result in resource leaks if the stream is not closed. We recommend using the try-with-resources pattern with blocking API's to avoid leaks.
  • We've started using the dependency analysis plugin (#3158) which highlighted a number of dependency cleanups we could do. Some of those involved lowering dependency scope from api to implementation. Those shouldn't affect most users but in limited cases you may have been inadvertently getting a compile time dependency on a module transiently that didn't belong. In those cases you'll need to include the relevant module in your build.

API Deprecations

  • 6fc7987 - loadbalancer: deprecate RoundRobinLoadBalancer types (#3149)

New Features

  • e4d4418 - loadbalancer: move DefaultLoadBalancer out of experimental (#3136)
  • 68055fa - http-netty: let RetryingHttpRequesterFilter return responses on failure (#3048)
  • 1bcf8ea - [grpc-protoc] Add an option to generate default service methods (#3110)

Bug Fixes

  • 2dfacd1 - gRPC Trailers-Only responses must be a single HEADERS frame (#3152)


  • 569323f - Adding remote info to logger message so clients can be tracked down (#3155)
  • f570fdb - BlockingStreamingHttpService: drop trailers if users didn't create any (#3151)


  • ad2bbbb, 3fbc367 - Update Netty 4.1.115 -> 4.1.117 (#3141, #3172)
  • 135a994 - Update Netty io_uring 0.0.25 -> 0.0.26 (#3157)
  • 8951931 - Update OpenTelemetry 1.28.0 -> 1.38.0, instrumentation 1.28.0 -> 1.33.3 (#3161)
    • Notably, some of the opentelemetry-instrumentation modules contained breaking API changes that may cause incompatibilities.
  • a19a930 - Update Jersey for Jakarta EE 9 3.0.13 -> 3.0.17
  • 5277958 - Update Jersey for Jakarta EE 10 3.1.6 -> 3.1.9

Dependencies Scope Changes

  • 46d56ea - Remove unused api dependencies or move them to lower scope (#3169)
  • e87371c - Remove unused implementation dependencies or move them to runtime (#3168)
  • cb6fd6c - Promote dependencies to api where necessary (#3167)
  • 373299a - Explicitly declare transitive dependencies that we use directly (#3164)


  • c750d92 - docs: incorporate default load balancer docs into the main site (#3153)
  • 673e4d9 - Add logo, favicon and footer copy (#3116)

Thank you

Every idea, review, and bug-report counts and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area. Please report any unintended omission.



19 Nov 14:04
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This is a minor maintenance release appropriate for all ServiceTalk users that contains several useful improvements and bug fixes. This release is expected to be a "drop-in" replacement for all prior 0.42.X releases.


New Features

  • f8abe11 - Add option skipDeprecated to the protoc code generator to avoid generating deprecated code (#3089)
  • 7a05d7d - Add Single/Completable subscribe overloads that can also handle failures (#3112)

Bug Fixes

  • f783e7d - Publisher#flatMapConcatIterable may skip emitting items (#3108)
  • 158d4c3 - Reset flush strategy after client request is written (#3103)
  • d7dd886 - Server-side AsyncContext initialized in lifecycle observer is lost (#3111)
  • 4187c05 - Discard new writes without closing connection on AbortWritesEvent (#3102)


  • 8d30706 - Preserve full request context while redirecting (#3104)
  • 38cc84b - RedirectSingle: avoid extra operator for exception handling path (#3114)
  • 057cc56 - capacity-limiter-api: observe all gradient limit changes (#3107)
  • c14e4aa - TcpServerBinder logs "Failed to create a connection" twice (#3113)



Thank you

Every idea, review, and bug-report counts and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area. Please report any unintended omission.



14 Nov 06:55
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This is a minor maintenance release appropriate for all ServiceTalk users that contains several useful improvements and bug fixes. This release is expected to be a "drop-in" replacement for all prior 0.42.X releases.


New Features

  • 8441a20 - traffic-resilience-http: Add dry-run mode for resilience filters (#3085, #3091)

Bug Fixes

  • eebe458 - Fix response leak that can be caused by an exception during redirect (#3095)


  • 99371cf - CloseableIteratorBufferAsInputStream: fix CLOSED marker instance (#3086)
  • 8fd62da - Detect unexpected response leaks for multi-address client instances (#3096)
  • 275623c - Preserve default Http2Settings when Http2SettingsBuilder is used (#3092)


  • ec8ea4c - traffic-resilience-http: Add documentation for capacity limiters (#3082, #3098)
  • 681cf76 - LifecycleObserver examples: clarify server-side ordering options (#3087)
  • d282dcc - HelloWorldJaxRsResource: fix method name (#3094)

Thank you

Every idea, review, and bug-report counts and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area. Please report any unintended omission.



15 Oct 08:39
Choose a tag to compare

This is a minor maintenance release appropriate for all ServiceTalk users that contains several useful improvements and bug fixes. This release is expected to be a "drop-in" replacement for all prior 0.42.X releases.



Thank you

Every idea, review, and bug-report counts and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area. Please report any unintended omission.



04 Oct 18:07
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⚠️ This release has an issue with generated pom.xml files that does not let Maven to import all transitive dependencies correctly. Please upgrade to 0.42.50.

This is a minor maintenance release appropriate for all ServiceTalk users that contains several useful improvements and bug fixes. This release is expected to be a "drop-in" replacement for all prior 0.42.X releases.


New Features

  • 94c1bbb - Add SslConfig to ConnectionObserver.onSecurityHandshake (#3074)
    • Deprecated ConnectionObserver.onSecurityHandshake(), use new ConnectionObserver.onSecurityHandshake(SslConfig) instead.
  • 6613bd5 - Add experimental system properties for Netty DnsNameResolver (#3073)
    • io.servicetalk.dns.discovery.netty.experimental.tcpFallbackOnTimeout (default: false) - enables fallback to TCP protocol if UDP query failed with timeout exception;
    • io.servicetalk.dns.discovery.netty.experimental.datagramChannelStrategy (default: ChannelPerResolver) - use ChannelPerResolution to force Netty to create a new UDP channel on every resolution.

Bug Fixes

  • 004983e - HttpRequestMetaData#hasQueryParameter(String) implementaiton fix (#3058)
  • ab4e9b2 - HttpRequestMetaData#hasQueryParameter(String) default implementation fix (#3061)
  • 19d0907 - tcp-netty-internal: fix race in TcpConnector (#3069)
  • a3a4212 - Use invoke for SslContextBuilder#endpointIdentificationAlgorithm(String) (#3072)


  • 249efc7 - concurrent-api: save the timestamp of the SingleToFuture.get() calls (#3051)
  • 34a0849 - Allow null value for query parameter setter methods (#3059)

Experimental loadbalancer changes

  • a75232b - loadbalancer-experimental: make DefaultLoadBalancer the default RR implementation (#3065)
  • 57f8454 - loadbalancer-experimental: don't always pay for EWMA with noop detector (#3057)
  • a5b42a0 - loadbalancer-experimental: Add support for randomly subsetting hosts (#3062)


Thank you

Every idea, review, and bug-report counts and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area. Please report any unintended omission.



27 Aug 12:04
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This is a minor maintenance release appropriate for all ServiceTalk users that contains several useful improvements and bug fixes. This release is expected to be a "drop-in" replacement for all prior 0.42.X releases.


Bug Fixes

  • 9f68119 - Encode/Decode grpc-message status per spec (#3023)
  • 372f108 - http-utils: cleanup the BeforeFinallyHttpOperator state (#3042)
  • 44a5b80 - http-netty: fix JavaNetSoTimeoutHttpConnectionFilter leak (#3043)
  • ed0265c - ConnectablePayloadWriter: avoid static exception that may leak memory (#3047)
  • f345761 - SpliceFlatStreamToMetaSingle: propagate cancel when races with data (#3036)
  • 2316f7c - Amb operators for Single and Completable should respect reactive contract 2.3 (#3040)
  • d09421a - http-utils: fix leak in AbstractTimeoutHttpFilter (#3038)
  • 0537138 - http-utils: fix leak in BeforeFinallyHttpOperator (#3034)


  • 4d9ab77 - Add TransportConfig to control low level transport settings (#3041)
  • edb05b5 - Single.repeat: use TerminateRepeatException as a terminal marker (#3045)
  • 8074930 - Subscribable sources: try-catch onSubscribe and cleanup state if any (#3046)
  • 2f2bf85 - Improve CancellationException (#3039)
  • 893a156 - capacity-limiter-api: avoid division in EMA (#3030)
  • 4e7d64e - capacity-limiter-api: make AimdCapacityLimiter use ReentrantLock (#3025)
  • 1c2afec - Remove some uses of synchronized (#3024)

Experimental loadbalancer changes

  • 6b3a09f - loadbalancer-experimental: reduce dogpiling on hosts after healthy hosts (#3021)



  • 977ac05 - Improve Single (+Completable) amb* documentation (#3044)
  • 21c0a74 - Properly drain failed responses in http-service-composition example (#3026)
  • 52d68b0 - capacity-limiter-api: polish javadocs and minor code modifications (#3031)

Thank you

Every idea, review, and bug-report counts and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area. Please report any unintended omission.



25 Jul 21:05
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This is a minor maintenance release appropriate for all ServiceTalk users that contains several useful improvements and bug fixes. This release is expected to be a "drop-in" replacement for all prior 0.42.X releases.


New Features

  • 434da83 - Add Publisher.fromInputStream(InputStream, ByteArrayMapper) (#2989)
    • Deprecated pre-existing Publisher.fromInputStream(InputStream) and Publisher.fromInputStream(InputStream, int) overloads.

Bug Fixes

  • 821619a - Fix discovery flow for PartitionedHttpClient (#3001)
  • e3759e8 - LoadBalancer should always consider the first events as initial state (#3004)
  • 3897efb - Avoid race b/w ServiceDiscoverer events after cancel and re-subscribe (#3005)
  • b58d0b5 - Incorrect state possible after retrying ServiceDiscoverer events (#3006)


  • 4ce7d2c - StreamingConnectionFactory should set hostnameVerificationAlgorithm to an empty string (#2988)
  • efb24b3 - Align Set-Cookie attribute names with RFC6265 syntax (#2995)

Experimental loadbalancer changes

  • c4198c2 - loadbalancer-experimental: allow configuring the pending request penalty (#2991)
  • d78f85a - loadbalancer-experimental: Narrow ewma config params from long to int (#2994)
  • 72e9511 - loadbalancer-experimental: DefaultLoadBalancer logs settings on startup (#3000)
  • e1d0ba2 - loadbalancer-experimental: remove deprecated APIs (#2998)
  • dafeeb0 - loadbalancer-experimental: subscribe is the last thing we do in DefaultLB constructor (#3007)
  • 0a7f539 - loadbalancer-experimental: add LB observer method for when the host set changes (#3003)



Thank you

Every idea, review, and bug-report counts and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area. Please report any unintended omission.



26 Jun 01:27
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This is a minor maintenance release appropriate for all ServiceTalk users that contains several useful improvements and bug fixes. This release is expected to be a "drop-in" replacement for all prior 0.42.X releases.


Bug Fixes

  • 7b68059 - DefaultHostAndPort: equals and hashCode are not consistent (#2974)


  • 7dad836 - Multi-address client: don't leak full request target in exception msg (#2972)
  • ff218cc - Multi-address client: take advantage of lowercase scheme (#2975)
  • e110d64 - Multi-address client: move setHostHeader to key factory, avoid NPE warn (#2976)
  • 7f8a7f4 - Multi-address client: optimize client selection (#2979)
  • 82e256e - FromInputStreamPublisher: avoid extra allocation of a buffer (#2965)
  • 2c90b8d - Set SslContextBuilder.endpointIdentificationAlgorithm for Netty 4.2.x (#2985)

Experimental loadbalancer changes

  • 411ddc6 - loadbalancer-experimental: thread through the ConnectionPoolStrategyFactory (#2969)
  • febb582 - loadbalancer-experimental: thread the LoadBalancingPolicy into the DefaultLoadBalancer (#2970)
  • 4e6ce9b - loadbalancer: better LoadBalancerFactory.toString() implementations (#2971)
  • 7e19105 - loadbalancer-experimental: properly capture consecutive error signals (#2984)


  • 6b303b3 - Update log4j 2.22.1 -> 2.23.1
  • e16b09e - Update com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl 2.3.3 -> 2.3.9
  • 49488fa - Update Jersey 2.37 -> 2.41
  • 965e33f - Update Jackson 2.15.4 -> 2.16.2
  • 8e89dde - Revert "Update Netty 4.1.110 -> 4.1.111 (#2959)"
    • We had to downgrade Netty to avoid breaking grpc-java users in the same classpath.

Thank you

Every idea, review, and bug-report counts and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area. Please report any unintended omission.
