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appleseed-max 1.1.0-beta

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@dictoon dictoon released this 01 Sep 14:47
· 37 commits to master since this release

This is a beta release of appleseed-max, an appleseed plugin for Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

This release was built against appleseed 2.1.0-beta.

Mini Golf by Discord user scorpius
(Mini Golf by Discord user scorpius.)

Keep in mind this is beta-quality software and there are a number of known bugs that will be fixed in the next releases of the plugin.


New Features and Improvements

  • Added support for Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2020.
  • Implemented object and camera transformation motion blur.
  • Added Cryptomatte Material and Cryptomatte Object AOVs.
  • Added Position, Screen-Space Velocity and Pixel Time AOVs.
  • Added Assemblies, Objects and World-Space Velocity and Screen-Space Velocity shading overrides.
  • Added support for material overrides with options to exclude emissive and transparent materials.
  • Added asAscCdl (American Society of Cinematographers Color Decision List), asInvertColor and asBump OSL shaders.
  • Exposed Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping (SPPM) lighting engine.
  • Added Photon Target option to appleseed Object Properties modifier.
  • Added Sampling Pattern Seed and Vary Sampling Pattern per Frame controls.
  • Added Importance Sampling checkbox to Lighting panel.
  • Improved default Adaptive Tile Sampler settings.
  • Added support for Angle U/V and Offset U/V controls in the Bitmap map.
  • Added support for Real-World Scale control in the Bitmap map.
  • Added support for smooth vertex tangents and explicit normals at mesh export.
  • Enabled project export in *.appleseedz (single file, compressed) format.
  • Limit thread count in ActiveShade rendering mode.
  • Changed default background alpha from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque).
  • Skip export of lights with zero intensity.
  • Added Open Log on Warning option.
  • Improved error reporting during plugin initialization.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused one or several tiles to appear black.
  • Fixed environment rotation issues.
  • Fixed asAnisotropyVectorField and asAttributes shaders not showing up in the material editor.
  • Fixed a bug causing artifacts when using anisotropy with the asMetal shader.
  • Made sure that log messages are always properly ordered.
  • No longer abort rendering when the scene contains unrecognized lights (e.g. lights from other render engines).

Removed Features

  • Dropped support for Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2016.
  • Removed Regions shading override.


The following are installation instructions for 3ds Max 2017. Replace 2017 by the appropriate value for other versions of 3ds Max.

  1. If you have installed a previous version of the plugin, first uninstall it by deleting the appleseed folder from C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\plugins.
  2. Unzip the archive to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\plugins.
  3. Launch 3ds Max, go to CustomizeConfigure System Paths...3rd Party Plug-Ins, click Add... and choose the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\plugins\appleseed folder.

At this point the plugin should be installed and loaded in 3ds Max. Go to CustomizePlug-in Manager... and check that APPLESEED-MAX2017.DLR is present and loaded.