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appleseed-max 0.4.5-beta

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@dictoon dictoon released this 06 Jun 13:39
· 376 commits to master since this release

This is a beta release of appleseed-max, an appleseed plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Keep in mind this is beta-quality software and there are a number of known bugs that will be fixed in the next releases of the plugin.

Additional information are available on appleseed's users forum.


  • Added environment map support.
  • Added Object Properties modifier to set appleseed properties on objects.
  • Added support for render regions.
  • Improved rendering of transparent materials in viewports.
  • Disabled color space conversions for displacement maps.
  • Fixed duplicated texture error.
  • Fixed occasional hang on startup.
  • Fixed appleseed material updates in Slate Material Editor.
  • Allow changing diffuse colors in multi/sub-object materials from color swatches.

This release was built against appleseed 1.7.0-beta.


The following are installation instructions for 3ds Max 2017. Replace 2017 by the appropriate value for other versions of 3ds Max.

  1. If you have installed a previous version of the plugin, first uninstall it by deleting the appleseed folder from C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\plugins.
  2. Unzip the archive to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\plugins.
  3. Launch 3ds Max, go to CustomizeConfigure System Paths...3rd Party Plug-Ins, click Add... and choose the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\plugins\appleseed folder.

At this point the plugin should be installed and loaded in 3ds Max. Go to CustomizePlug-in Manager... and check that APPLESEED-MAX2017.DLR is present and loaded.