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List of Project Ideas for GSoC 2018
If you haven't read it already, please start with our How to Apply guide.
Below is a list of high impact projects that we think are of appropriate scope and complexity for the program.
There should be something for anyone fluent in C++ and interested in writing clean, performant code in a modern and well maintained codebase.
Projects are first sorted by application:
- appleseed: the core rendering library
- appleseed.studio: a graphical application to build, edit, render and debug scenes
- appleseed-max: a native plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max [1]
- appleseed-maya: a native plugin for Autodesk Maya [2]
- New standalone tools
[1] Student versions of Autodesk 3ds Max can be downloaded freely from Autodesk website.
[2] Student versions of Autodesk Maya can be downloaded freely from Autodesk website.
Then, for each application, projects are sorted by ascending difficulty. Medium/hard difficulties are not necessarily harder in a scientific sense (though they may be), but may simply require more refactoring or efforts to integrate the feature into the software.
Similarly, easy difficulty doesn't necessarily mean the project will be a walk in the park. As in all software projects there may be unexpected difficulties that you will need to identify and overcome with your mentor.
Several projects are only starting point for bigger adventures. For those, we give an overview of possible avenues to expand on them after the summer.
appleseed projects:
- Project 1: Resumable renders
- Project 2: IES light profiles
- Project 3: Adaptive image plane sampling
- Project 4: Switch to Embree
- Project 5: Implicit shapes
- Project 6: Unbiased Photon Gathering
- Project 7: Spectral rendering using tristimulus colours
- Project 8: Hair rendering II
appleseed.studio projects:
- Project 9: Material library and browser
- Project 10: Render history and render comparisons
- Project 11: Python scripting
appleseed-max projects:
appleseed-maya projects:
New standalone tools:
(Renders and photographs below used with permission of the authors.)
- Required skills: C++
- Challenges: None in particular
- Primary mentor: Franz
- Secondary mentor: Esteban
Rendering a single image can take a very long time, depending on image resolution, scene complexity and desired level of quality.
It would be convenient to allow stopping a render and restarting it later. This would, for instance, enable the following typical workflow:
- Render for a few seconds, or a few minutes, then interrupt the render.
- Work with the low quality render as if it was high quality: apply tone mapping or other forms of post-processing, preview the entire animation, etc.
- When time allows, resume rendering where it left off to get a smoother result.
- Determine what needs to be persisted to disk to allow resuming an interrupted render.
- Define a portable file format for interrupted renders. Can we reuse an existing format? For instance, could we store resume information as metadata in an OpenEXR (*.exr) file?
- When rendering is stopped, write an "interrupted render file".
- Allow appleseed.cli (the command line client) to start rendering from a given "interrupted render file".
Possible follow-ups:
- Expose the feature in appleseed.studio.
- List and present all available interrupted renders when opening a project.
- Identify when a render cannot be resumed, e.g., because the scene has changed in the meantime.
- Required skills: C++
- Challenges: None in particular
- Primary mentor: Esteban
- Secondary mentor: Franz
IES light profiles describe light distribution in luminaires. This page has more information on the topic. IES light profile specifications can be found on this page. Many IES profiles can be downloaded from this page.
There are no particular difficulties with this project. The parsing code can be a bit hairy but there are many open source implementations that can be leveraged or peeked at in case of ambiguity. The sampling code is probably the most interesting part but it shouldn't be difficult.
- Learn about IES profiles and understand the concepts involved.
- Determine what subset of the IES-NA specification needs to be supported.
- Investigate whether libraries exist to parse IES files.
- If no suitable library can be found, implement our own parsing code (IES profiles are text files with a mostly parsable structure).
- Add a new light type that implements sampling of IES profiles.
- Create a few test scenes demonstrating the results.
- Required skills: C++, reading and understanding scientific papers
- Challenges: None in particular
- Primary mentor: Franz
- Secondary mentor: Esteban
(Illustration from Adaptive Sampling by Yining Karl Li.)
Like most renderers, appleseed has two types of "image plane sampler", i.e., it has two ways of allocating samples (which is the basic unit of work) to pixels:
- The uniform sampler allocates a fixed, equal number of samples to every pixel. This is simple and works well, but a lot of resources are wasted in "easy" areas that don't require many samples to get a smooth result, while "difficult" area remain noisy.
- The adaptive sampler tries to allocate more samples to difficult pixels and fewer samples to easy pixels. While it may work acceptably with a bit of patience, it's hard to adjust, and it can lead to flickering in animations.
The idea of this project is to replace the existing adaptive sampler by a new one based on a more rigorous theory. We settled for now on a technique described in Adaptive Sampling by Yining Karl Li. However, the project should start with a quick survey of available techniques.
- Survey available modern techniques to adaptively sample the image plane.
- Implement the chosen adaptive sampling algorithm.
- Make sure the new adaptive sampler works well in animation (absence of objectionable flickering).
- Determine which settings should be used as default.
- Expose adaptive sampler settings in appleseed.studio.
- Compare quality and render times with the uniform image sampler.
- Remove the old sampler, and add an automatic project migration step to maintain backward compatibility.
- Required skills: C++
- Challenges: Heavy refactoring
- Primary mentor: Franz
- Secondary mentor: Esteban
(Imperial Crown of Austria, model by Martin Lubich, rendered with Intel Embree — Source)
The act of tracing rays through the scene is by far the most expensive activity performed by appleseed during rendering. Our ray tracing kernel was state-of-the-art around 2006, there are faster algorithms (QBVH for instance) and faster implementations based on vectorized instructions.
Intel has been developing a pure ray tracing library called Embree which offers state-of-the-art performance on Intel (and supposedly AMD) CPUs. For many years Embree was lacking essential features that prevented its adoption in appleseed, such as multi-step deformation motion blur. Today it seems that Embree offers everything we need and that a switch is finally possible.
- Make sure that Embree fully supports our needs (double precision ray tracing, motion blur). If it does not, determine if we can still use it for some assemblies while using the traditional intersector for others.
- Determine which parts of the ray tracing kernel (trace context, intersector, assembly trees, region trees, triangle trees) we can keep and which parts to discard.
- Add Embree to the build.
- Write a minimal integration of Embree into appleseed (no motion blur, no instancing).
- Compare performances and CPU profiles with the existing ray tracing kernel.
- Determine how to support motion blur or instancing with Embree.
Possible follow-ups:
- Add support for remaining features (motion blur or instancing, depending on what was implemented during the project).
- Run whole test suite and investigate regressions if any.
- Clean up integration.
- Required skills: C++
- Challenges: Heavy refactoring
- Primary mentor: Esteban
- Secondary mentor: Franz
Currently appleseed only supports geometry defined by triangle meshes and curves. While this is very flexible it's rather inefficient for simple shapes like spheres and cylinders.
The objective of this project would be to add support for ray tracing simple shapes directly without converting them into triangle meshes.
In addition it would allow, in the future, the use of these shapes as light sources and use specialized light sampling algorithms whenever possible.
- Determine the best way to generalize scene intersection code to handle implicit shapes.
- Refactor existing code.
- Write intersection routines for simple shapes like spheres, disks and rectangles.
Possible follow-ups:
- Better sampling of lights defined by implicit shapes (rectangles, disks, spheres...)
- Rendering particle systems as a collection of implicit shapes.
- Required skills: C++, reading and understanding scientific papers
- Challenges: Getting it right
- Primary mentor: Franz
- Secondary mentor: Esteban
(Illustration from Unbiased Photon Gathering for Light Transport Simulation.)
Light transport is the central problem solved by a physically-based global illumination renderer. It implies finding ways to connect, with straight lines (in the absence of scattering media such as smoke or fog), light sources with the camera taking into account how light is reflected by objects. Efficient light transport is one of the most difficult problem in physically-based rendering.
The paper Unbiased Photon Gathering for Light Transport Simulation proposes to trace photons from light sources (like it is done in the photon mapping algorithm) and use these photons to establish paths from lights to the camera in an unbiased manner. This is unlike traditional photon mapping which performs photon density estimation.
Since appleseed already features an advanced photon tracer it should be possible to implement this algorithm, and play with it, with reasonable effort.
- Figure out what we need to store in photons in order to allow reconstruction of a light path.
- Add a new lighting engine, drawing inspiration from the SPPM lighting engine which also needs to trace both photons from lights, and paths from the camera.
- Trace camera paths. At the extreme end of these paths lookup the nearest photon and establish a connection.
- Render simple scenes, such as the built-in Cornell Box, for which we know exactly what to expect, and carefully compare results of the new algorithm with ground truth images.
- Required skills: C++, reading and understanding scientific papers
- Challenges: Refactoring
- Primary mentor: Esteban
- Secondary mentor: Franz
(Illustration from Physically Meaningful Rendering using Tristimulus Colours.)
One of most unique features of appleseed is the possibility of rendering in both RGB (3 bands) and spectral (31 bands) colorspaces and to mix both color representations in the same scene.
This feature requires the ability to convert colors from RGB to a spectral representation. While the conversion is not well defined in a mathematical sense, many RGB colors map to the same spectral color, there are some algorithms that try to approximate this conversion.
The goal of this project would be to implement an improved RGB to spectral color conversion method based on this paper: Physically Meaningful Rendering using Tristimulus Colours.
This would improve the correctness of our renders for scenes containing both RGB and spectral colors.
- Implement the improved RGB to spectral color conversion method.
- Add unit tests and test scenes.
- Render the whole test suite, identify differences due to the new color conversion code and update reference images as appropriate.
- Required skills: C++
- Challenges: Refactoring
- Primary mentor: Esteban
- Secondary mentor: Franz
In a previous GSoC basic support for curves primitives was added to appleseed. While it was a good starting point, there are some missing features that are required to be able to render scenes containing hair and fur.
The goal of this project would be to move appleseed's support for hair and fur rendering closer to being useful in production.
- Implement a binary file format for curve primitives similar to the existing binarymesh format.
- Extend our curves primitives to store and use colors and opacities per control vertex.
- Add support for motion blur to curve primitives.
Possible follow-ups:
- Implement a hair shading model.
- Investigate alternative ray - curve intersection algorithms.
- Implement the ability to export hair from one of our DCC plugins.
- Investigate alternative BVHs optimized for curve primitives.
- Required skills: C++, Qt
- Challenges: None in particular
- Primary mentor: Franz
- Secondary mentor: Esteban
We need to allow appleseed.studio users to choose pre-made, high quality materials from a material library, as well as to save their own materials into a material library, instead of forcing them to recreate all materials in every scene. Moreover, even tiny scenes can have many materials. Artists can't rely on names to know which material is applied to an object. A material library with material previews would be a tremendous help to appleseed.studio users.
A prerequisite to this project (which may be taken care of by the mentor) is to enable import/export of all material types from/to files. This is already implemented for Disney materials (which is one particular type of materials in appleseed); this support should be extended to all types of materials.
Ideally, the material library/browser would have at least the following features:
- Show a visual collection of materials, with previews of each materials and some metadata (name, author, date and time of creation)
- Allow filtering materials based on metadata
- Allow to drag and drop a material onto an object instance
- Highlight the material under the mouse cursor when clicking in the scene (material picking)
- Allow replacing an existing material from the project by a material from the library
Possible follow-ups:
- Allow for adding "material library sources" (e.g., GitHub repositories) to a material library. This would allow people to publish and share their own collections of materials, in a decentralized manner.
- Integrate the material library from appleseed.studio into appleseed plugins for 3ds Max and Maya.
- Required skills: C++, Qt
- Challenges: None in particular
- Primary mentor: Franz
- Secondary mentor: Esteban
Finding the right trade-off between render time and quality, lighting setup, or material parameters can involve a large number of "proof" renders. A tool that would saving a render to some kind of render history and compare renders from the history would be very helpful to both users and developers.
When saved to the history, renders should be tagged with the date and time of the render, total render time, render settings, and possibly even the rendering log. In addition, the user should be able to attach comments to renders.
- Build the user interface for the render history.
- Allow for saving a render to the history.
- Allow simple comparisons between two renders from the histoy.
- Allow comparing a render from the history with the current render (even during rendering).
- Allow for saving the render history along with the project.
Possible follow-ups:
- Add more comparison modes (side-by-side, toggle, overlay, slider).
- Add a way to attach arbitrary comments to renders.
- Required skills: C++, Python, Qt
- Challenges: Impacts the build system and the deployment story
- Primary mentor: Esteban
- Secondary mentor: Franz
Integrating a Python interpreter will allow users of appleseed.studio to use scripting to generate, inspect, and edit scenes, and to customize the application for their specific needs.
In addition it will allow future parts of appleseed.studio to be written in Python, speeding up the development process and making it easier to contribute.
- Integrate a Python interpreter in appleseed.studio.
- Import appleseed.python at application startup and write code to make the currently open scene in appleseed.studio accessible from Python.
- Add a basic script editor and console widget to appleseed.studio using Qt.
- Allow limited customization of appleseed.studio (such as custom menu items) in Python.
- Required skills: C++, Win32
- Challenges: Using the 3ds Max API
- Primary mentor: Franz
- Secondary mentor: Esteban
Currently, the appleseed plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max translates native 3ds Max cameras into appleseed cameras when rendering begins or when the scene is exported. While this works and is enough for simple scenes, native 3ds Max camera is lacking many features that are required for realistic renderings, such as depth of field and custom bokeh shapes.
The idea of this project is to allow 3ds Max users to instantiate, and manipulate, an appleseed camera entity that exposes all functionalities of appleseed's native cameras.
The principal difficulty of this project will be to determine how to write a camera plugin for 3ds Max as there appears to be little documentation on the topic. One alternative to creating a new camera plugin would be to simply inject appleseed settings into the 3ds Max camera's user interface, if that's possible. Another alternative solution would be to place appleseed camera settings in appleseed's render settings panel.
- Determine how to create a camera plugin in 3ds Max. If necessary, ask on CGTalk's 3dsMax SDK and MaxScript forum.
- Expose settings from native appleseed cameras.
Possible follow-ups:
- Add user interface widgets to adjust depth of field settings.
- Required skills: C++, Win32
- Challenges: Using the 3ds Max API
- Primary mentor: Franz
- Secondary mentor: Esteban
At the moment, appleseed plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max only supports "tiled" or "final" rendering mode of 3ds Max: you hit render, render starts and begins to appear tile after tile. Meanwhile, 3ds Max does not allow any user input apart from a way to stop the render.
With the vast amount of computational power in modern workstations, it is now possible to render a scene interactively, while moving the camera, manipulating objects and light sources or modifying material parameters.
In fact, appleseed and appleseed.studio already both have native support for interactive rendering.
The goal of this project is to enable interactive appleseed rendering inside 3ds Max via 3ds Max's ActiveShade functionality. Implementing interactive rendering in appleseed should be even easier with 3ds Max 2017 due to new APIs.
- Investigate the ActiveShade API.
- Investigate the new API related to interactive rendering in 3ds Max 2017.
- Decide whether 3ds Max 2015 and 3ds Max 2016 can, or should, be supported.
- Implement a first version of interactive rendering limited to camera movements.
- Add support for live material and light adjustements.
- Add support for object movements and deformations.
- Required skills: C++
- Challenges: Using the Maya API
- Primary mentor: Esteban
- Secondary mentor: Franz
At the moment, the appleseed plugin for Autodesk Maya only supports "tiled" or "final" rendering mode of Maya: you hit render, render starts and begins to appear tile after tile. Meanwhile, Maya does not allow any user input apart from a way to stop the render.
With the vast amount of computational power in modern workstations, it is now possible to render a scene interactively, while moving the camera, manipulating objects and light sources or modifying material parameters.
In fact, appleseed and appleseed.studio already both have native support for interactive rendering.
The goal of this project is to enable interactive appleseed rendering inside Maya
- Investigate the Maya API.
- Implement a first version of interactive rendering limited to camera movements.
- Add support for live material and light adjustements.
- Add support for object movements and deformations.
- Required skills: C++, Qt
- Challenges: Building a new tool from scratch
- Primary mentor: Esteban
- Secondary mentor: Franz
The goal of this project is to implement a small standalone render viewer tool. The tool would communicate with the renderer using sockets and would display the image currently being rendered.
The viewer would be handy for appleseed users and also could be integrated in future versions of our integration plugins with Maya and 3ds Max.
- Design a protocol that the renderer and the viewer would use to communicate.
- Write a tile callback class that sends appleseed image data to the viewer.
- Display the image as it is being rendered in the viewer.
Possible follow-ups:
- Add basic image pan and zoom controls.
- Implement simple tone mapping operators.
- Implement basic support for LUTs or OpenColorIO color management.