This repository has teaching materials for a hands-on metagenomics workshop going from metagenomic assemblies to metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) to biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) and more. This workshop is taught by Lucas Paoli (ETHZ) and Serina Robinson (Eawag).
Time | Topic | Instructor |
08:30 - 09:00 | Module 0: setting up the computational environment | Lucas & Serina |
09:00 - 10:45 | Module 1: assembly to bins | Lucas & Serina |
10:45 - 11:00 | 15-min break | All |
11:00 - 11:45 | Seminar: Computational Tools for Genome Mining and Antibiotic Discovery | Nadine Ziemert |
11:45 - 12:45 | Lunch | All |
12:45 - 13:45 | Seminars by participants | All |
13:45 - 14:00 | 15-min break | All |
14:00 - 15:45 | Module 2: bins to genomes | Lucas & Serina |
15:45 - 16:00 | 15-min break | All |
16:00 - 16:30 | Seminar: Metagenome mining to tap microbial functional potential | Serina |
16:30 - 17:30* | Module 3: choose your own (natural product) adventure | Serina & Lucas |
*Flexible time to continue afterwards or on Friday in the Open Workshop Session
Familiarize yourself with unix (here and/or here) and conda.
If you do not already have an ssh client as part of the operating system (e.g., if you have a Windows machine), download a third party software such as one of the following:
- For file transfer on Windows, we recommend downloading winscp
- Open your ssh client and connect to Cousteau (the ETH teaching server)
Click for instructions:
- type your password
- press ENTER
If you already installed conda:
rm -r miniconda3
cp ../paolil/.bash_profile .
cp ../paolil/.bashrc .
- Setting up conda
Click for instructions:
In your terminal type:
press ENTER, scroll down, type in ‘yes’
press ENTER
type in yes
close and reopen session (
thenssh cousteau
) -
Install should take ~5min
- Log out and log in again
- Add conda channels
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels bioconda
- Install mamba (faster, alternative client to conda)
conda install mamba
mamba install git
- Set up default path for the conda environments (otherwise they will be installed in our home and we will run out of space)
mkdir -p /nfs/teaching/scratch/$USER/environments/
conda config --add envs_dirs /nfs/teaching/scratch/$USER/environments/
- Preparing the conda environments for the workshop
Click for instructions:
- Set up three distinct conda environments for the three modules of the workshop as follows:
Module 1:
conda create -yn module-1
conda activate module-1
conda install -y metabat2
conda install -y samtools
conda install -y bwa
conda deactivate
Module 2:
conda create -yn module-2
conda activate module-2
mamba install -y gtdbtk=2.3.0 checkm-genome=1.2.2
# ignore the commands to download the database and instead use the following:
export GTDBTK_DATA_PATH=/nfs/teaching/databases/gtdb/
echo "export GTDBTK_DATA_PATH=/nfs/teaching/databases/gtdb/" >> .bashrc
# Now let's finish setting up CheckM, please run the following to set up the database:
export CHECKM_DATA_PATH=/nfs/teaching/databases/checkm
echo "export CHECKM_DATA_PATH=/nfs/teaching/databases/checkm" >> .bashrc
conda deactivate
Module 3:
conda create -yn module-3
# we don't need to install anything there yet
git clone
- If you're completed all the steps above, you are ready to go. We will get started with Module 1!