Scrape list of tracks from a website and save it as playlist in your Spotify account.
Required Python 3.6+
Result of above command:
- Radiospacja Lista Przebojów
Lista Przebojów Trójki- Radio Kampus playlists
Program Alternatywny Trójki
- Register new application. As Redirect URL please set "https://localhost"
- Export app's client id and client secret (replace hashes with the ones from your app):
export CLIENT_ID="e4e3ddd9f2e5cde2dad7361ca96bfa50"
export CLIENT_SECRET="78e80fed2078c427459d7053c640bdab"
Your are ready to go.
To create a playlist you need a link to a website
with list of tracks (obviously), name
of the playlist and your Spotify username
. Example usage:
python --url "" --playlist "some_name_whatever" --username "yournick"