Wine-wow64-staging + box64 presetuped for termux-glibc (aarch64)
Wine version: 10.0 staging (stable)
Box64 version: 0.3.3
Make sure if wget is installed
pkg install wget openssl
Install xow64
cd $HOME && rm -rf ~/xow64 && wget && chmod +x ~/xow64
and then
~/xow64 install
(Read for more info to setup xfce4 desktop for native termux-x11)
Run and check wine version
~/xow64 r --version
Run winecfg
~/xow64 r winecfg
Launch GPU Caps (test OpenGL and Vulkan)
~/xow64 gpucaps
Launch TestD3D (D3D9)
~/xow64 testd3d
Launch CubeMap (test EnvMapping D3D9)
~/xow64 cubemap
Launch SphereMap (test EnvMapping D3D9)
~/xow64 spheremap
Run any specific *.exe
~/xow64 r app_name.exe
or run any *.exe with any specific path
cd ~/'.to/Prog Files/app/path' && ~/xow64 r app_name.exe
Launch wine in windows desktop mode, configure desktop size like so
(or any standard windows screen size)
~/xow64 desk-size 1024x768
and then simply start using
~/xow64 s
Quit wine or terminate all wine related process
~/xow64 q
Using newer build of virgl (virpipe) driver
(Universal android 10+ with vulkan 1.1+ GPU supported only)
~/xow64 driver=virpipe
Using virpipe angle driver
~/xow64 vgl-use=angle
Using virpipe native android driver (less stable might using older version of virgl)
~/xow64 vgl-use=android
Fix virgl color/visual problems on d3d9+ (Direct X) apps/games
~/xow64 vgl-cfg=d3d
Reconfigure virgl for OpenGL/ES apps/games
~/xow64 vgl-cfg=gl
Using panfrost driver for some specific supported
Mali-G310+ (G610, G710..) series with kernel 5.10+
~/xow64 driver=panfrost
make sure termux-x11 is using DRI3 and BOX64_MMAP32 is deactivated (on panfrost driver only)
~/xow64 mmap32=false
and then install panfrost driver from here
Switch back using default OpenGL driver using any default preconfigured termux gl drivers including virgl (if any)
~/xow64 driver=default
Using vulkan llvmpipe (fo Universal CPUs)
~/xow64 vk=lvp
Using vulkan turnip driver (for Adreno GPUs)
~/xow64 vk=turnip
Using vulkan radeonsi driver (for AMD based GPUs such Xclipse)
~/xow64 vk=radeon
Switch back using default vulkan driver (if any)
~/xow64 vk=default
Using dxvk-proton (supported on vulkan llvmpipe and any supported GPU)
~/xow64 vkd3d=true
Disable dxvk-proton (vkd3d)
~/xow64 vkd3d=false
Enable winedlloverride for cnc-ddraw
~/xow64 cnc-ddraw=true
Disable winedlloverride for cnc-ddraw
~/xow64 cnc-ddraw=false
Disable wine debugger (for stability)
~/xow64 debug=false
Re-enable wine debugger
~/xow64 debug=true
Install box64 v0.3.2 (available box64 v0.3.0 to v0.3.3)
~/xow64 box64=0.3.2
Update box64 to newer version (v0.3.3)
~/xow64 update-box64
Update wine
~/xow64 update-wine
Update graphics drivers
~/xow64 update-drivers
Update angle-android using the newer version (for android 9+ only)
~/xow64 update-angle
Update dxvk-proton (vkd3d)
~/xow64 update-vkd3d
Update patch
~/xow64 update-patch
Uninstall (remove) xow64-wine
~/xow64 remove-all
Using virtual controller, install InputBrige
and start command in desktop termux terminal
~/xow64 s
and then
from wine start menu (desktop mode) before launching any game, then open InputBridge app on android device and then start configuring control buttons as need. -
If experiencing any emulation issue, try using different version of box64 and drivers available above accordingly.
If there's problem when installing xow64, make sure the latest correct termux app version is installed from here:
tested using termux app v0.119.0-beta.1
Using cnc-ddraw (visit link below)