Twill 2.13.0
Twill 2.13.0 is a minor release mainly adding support for Laravel 10.
Twill 3.0 is now 🎉 stable 🎉, read more about it on the new Twill CMS blog.
Run composer update
in your project and then, run Twill's own update command: php artisan twill:update
. This will force update your published Twill assets. You can delete the old ones from your repository if you are versioning them. If you are using custom Vue components, you should rebuild Twill assets using php artisan twill:build
- Laravel 10 support by @antonioribeiro in #2155
- Allow disabling automatic navigation on a Capsule package by @antonioribeiro in #2113
- Allow creating blocks and repeaters inside Capsules by @antonioribeiro in #2082
- Singleton - Add support of capsules inside the seed method by @cambad in #2180
- Fix nested repeater being duplicated by @brunEdo in #2211
- Fix for VSelect component to use float values by @eudaco in #2024
- #1957: Fix connected fields keepalive. by @haringsrob in #2047
- Backport connected fields. by @haringsrob in #2059
- Missing .env line for disabling S3 storage by @DarthMikke in #2162
- Update by @alexfraundorf-com in #2055
- Update by @alexfraundorf-com in #2054
- it-IT translation enhancements by @LucaRed in #1929
- it translation: fixes by @LucaRed in #2201
New Contributors
- @eudaco made their first contribution in #2024
- @alexfraundorf-com made their first contribution in #2055
- @DarthMikke made their first contribution in #2162
- @brunEdo made their first contribution in #2211
Full Changelog: 2.12.4...2.13.0