dash-desktop is a Python module that allows you to convert Dash apps into cross platform desktop apps.
The project was forked from the flask-desktop project. Thanks to Widdershin.
pip install git+git://github.com/argabor/dash-desktop.git
I'd like to have dash-desktop available on pip, but currently don't have the time and headspace to make that happen. If you want this to happen, please do it and I'll add you as a collaborator to this repo.
from dashui import DashUI # Add DashUI to your imports
import dash
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
ui = DashUI(app, debug=True) # Create a DashUI instance
# all of your standard dash logic
if __name__ == '__main__':
ui.run() #replace app.run_server() with ui.run(), and that's it
dash-desktop is powered by PyQt5, and should run on Windows, Mac and Linux. You can even create standalone executables using PyInstaller!
dash-desktop is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.