Using BEA'srecently released County-level GDP to construct a city-GDP.
Update: 3/3/2019
A tableau dashboard using BEA data to display County level GDPs to yield comparative insights. The dashboard can be accessed here
A repurposable methodology to convert BEA's recently released County-level GDP County GDP to construct a synthetic per-City-GDP metric across US cities.
To assist with comparative economic analysis across US cities.
"I used job counts from LEHD / @ CDP geos to calculate ratios & allocate MSA's GDP to its constituent cities." - @vr00n
"I think you could break out government spending from each jurisdiction and look at a cities earnings tax (if they have one)." Eric Roche, Chief Data Officer, KCMO
" the methodology in detail and determined its doable to use the same methodology to create city GDP given its reliance on income data." - NLC Economist not on Twitter via Christiana McFarland, NLC