Build a "Wisdom Pet Medicine" web app by following the course
Follow the course to practice creating a brand-new Django project, defining a data model and fields, querying the database, and using the framework's built-in URL handlers, views, and templates to structure the rest of the back end. Also, practice how to incorporate CSS and JavaScript to enhance the style and usability of the Django templates.
Practicing creating web apps using Django Web Framework.
- Installed python 3:
- Created and activated a virtual environment where we could install django and any other packages needed:
python3 -m venv ~/.python-envs/django-training source ~/.python-envs/django-training/bin/activate
- Configured the IDE Interpreter to use the python3 from the virtual environment
- Inside the virtual env, installed django and checked all dependencies were install correctly:
(django-training) ➜ pip install django (django-training) ➜ pip freeze
- Inside the virtual env, created the django project "wisdompets":
(django-training) ➜ django-admin startproject wisdompets
- Inside the virtual env, run project:
(django-training) ➜ cd wisdompets (django-training) ➜ python3 runserver
- Visited URL: to make sure the server was up.
- Inside the virtual env, created a django app called adoptions:
(django-training) ➜ python3 startapp adoptions
- Created the first 2 models: Pet and Vaccine
- Inside the virtual env, created the first migration file for the adoptions app:
(django-training) ➜ python3 makemigrations
- Checked the migration file was created correctly:
python3 showmigrations
- Applied all pending migrations and verify it was done successfully:
python3 migrate python3 showmigrations
- Installed DB Browser for SQLite: and checked db
- Inside the virtual env, run the command to load data into the database:
(django-training) ➜ python3 load_data
- Inside the virtual env, created a super user to access the admin site and run the app:
(django-training) ➜ python3 createsuperuser (django-training) ➜ python3 runserver
- Checked using the super user credentials
- Created routing for home and pet_detail views Checked result at and
- Modified views and templates accordingly
- Saved the env packages in a requirements.txt file
(django-training) ➜ django-training git:(master) ✗ pip freeze > requirements.txt
- Installed safety and pylint for running security checks and linting
- Created a config file for pylint and added some extra setup
- Created a makefile with the basic commands to run locally and during CI/CD
- Configured a CI workflow for using github-actions
- Installed the coverage package, created a config file for it and and added commands to the makefile for generating test coverage
- Configured project to use pipenv
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