Mangrove Blue Carbon Reserve Estimation Model base on Machine Learning and Potential Loss of Emissions Absorption in the Region Musi River Delta Coast, South Sumatra
Rahmat Asy'Ari
Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forest and Environment, IPB University
SSRS RO1 Forest Research Group, IPB Sustainable Science Research Students Association (IPB SSRS Association), IPB University
Gambar 1. Diagram alir penelitian
Gambar 2. Desain plot penelitian
Gambar 3. Kerusakan vegetasi dari tahun 1989 dan 2022
Rahmat Asy'Ari
Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forest and Environment, IPB University
SSRS RO1 Forest Research Group, IPB Sustainable Science Research Students Association (IPB SSRS Association), IPB University [email protected]