Repository for Computer Vision related topics and applications using DL frameworks, viz., TensorFlow 2 and PyTorch.
- Computer Vision mathematical theory - Batch normalization cancellation
- Exponentially weighted average
- LeNet-5 CNN
- Training a CNN using TensorFlow2 - 'tf.GradientTape' API
- Conv-6 CNN (VGG styled CNN)
- InceptionNet-v1 CNN (PyTorch)
- ResNet-18 - PyTorch & TensorFlow2
- ResNet-34 - PyTorch
- ResNet-50 - PyTorch (swish/relu activation functions)
- VGG-16/17 - TF2 - PyTorch 1.11
- VGG-18 - TF2 (linear warmup + step-decay) learning rate scheduler with tf.GradientTape
- VGG-18 - PyTorch (linear warmpup + step decay) learning rate scheduler
- Implementing Fully-Connected layer(s) as convolutional layer(s)
- Learning rate: decay, warmup and scheduler
- Transfer Learning (ResNet-50) on CIFAR-10
- Object Localization from scratch using emoji dataset and TF-2.8