Official repository of the assignments in CS188 Computer Vision course at UCLA
Welcome! This is the codebase for assignments of CS188.
As this course is still polishing and growing, please feel free to open issues if you find anything wrong or confusing in codes or documents in this repository. We will respond to you as soon as possible. If you get stuck or mess up, take a look at the latest version of this repo may help, since somebody may already raise issues and bug is fixed by new commits.
We appreciate you for suggestion and contribution to improve this course!
Generally, the way you use this repo is:
- Check the latest release at the time the tutor announced a new assignment is coming.
- Read the assignment document, which is the at each assignment directory.
- Clone or fork or somewhat to get the codes or jupyter notebook at your computer.
- Fill the empty functions or slots or cells we left for you.
- Follow the instructions in code comments to check if everything work well.
- Follow the submission instruction in the assignments to submit your work