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Security: arncv/Intima


Security Policy for Intima

Reporting a Vulnerability

We take the security of our platform very seriously. If you have discovered a security vulnerability in Intima, please report it to us so we can address it promptly.

Here's how you can report a vulnerability:

  1. Email us: Send an email to our security team at [email protected]. Please include as much information as possible about the vulnerability, including steps to reproduce, its potential impact, and its potential solution if you have one.

What to expect after reporting a vulnerability:

  1. Acknowledgement: We aim to acknowledge your report within 48 hours of receiving it.

  2. Communication: We will keep you informed about the progress of resolving the vulnerability. We aim to send updates every week, or more frequently if necessary.

  3. Resolution: If your report is valid, we will work to swiftly address the issue and will provide you with information about the resolution.

Please note that we encourage responsible disclosure. We kindly ask you to refrain from disclosing the vulnerability to the public or a third party before we have had a chance to address it.

Thank you for helping us keep Intima safe and secure.

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