Experimental traveling salesman problem solver on a road network (from your pals at Arogi).
Status: Files in the /tests directory tend to be the "canary" releases. If you are looking for an interactive demo of a TSP on a road network, as of 11 October 2016, try /tests/matrixdecode.html
Note to Contributors:
Older versions of build.sh would create a redundant network-tsp directory in your local repo. If you notice such a redundant directory, make sure you have the latest iterations of the code -- and, of course, do not push the redundant directory up to GitHub.
This repo's Arogi Circuit Web demos are free & open source under the Apache 2.0 License. The repo uses a smattering of other open source libraries too, and you will find credits to them in the code-- particular thanks to Google, Mapzen, and Leaflet.