👉 Tiptap for Strapi v4: https://github.com/dasmikko/strapi-tiptap-editor
⚠️ Unfortunately this project is dead, at least at the moment because of time constraints. Check the repository linked above created by the community, a project which hopefully will be much more active!
⚠ Warning: This is in the proof-of-concept stage. No installation instructions are available at the moment. Do not use in production.
Upgrade the old, default markdown editor in Strapi with the new tiptap v2!
- Bold
- Italic
- Strikethrough
- Highlighter
- Link
- Unordered list
- Ordered list
- Code
- Code block (simple)
- Code block (advanced, with code highlighting)
- Blockquote
- Horizontal rule
- Clear formatting
- Headings (1, 2, 3)
- Image (with Media Library integration)
- Tables
- Hint/Warning block
- Checklist
- Underline
- Text alignment
- Smart replacement of characters