This is an easy pocket old game that I wrote, using Perl.
It is played in terminal window by pressing keyboard keys:
(like in many action games) and Enter
I wrote the game as a job test less than in 4 hours.
You have to assemble shuffled tiles into an ascending order (1 to 15) form the top to the bottom and the 16th cell
must be empty.
All this you achieve by pressing keys W
and Enter
Once you assemble the board you won!
Note: in some shiffles there could be impossible to assemble the game from 1 to 15. The last two tiles with numbers (14 and 15) could be confused between each other. In this case you will also win.
###Installation### You need to have any Perl installed on your machine (there are a lot of distributions now in the Internet). Just
- downloda the file
to your machine, - open the terminal app and
- point it to the directory with the file:
# cd /abs/path/to-the-dir/with-the-file
, - run the game:
# Perl 15-Puzzle-EN.pl
To exit from the game type: exit
, or just an x
That's it!
Author: Arsenii Gorkin [email protected].