NCK v1.2
NCK v1.2
New Readers:
- Google Sheets
- The Trade Desk
- Split between Google DV360 and Google DBM
Add formatting tools
Add dockerignore
- Adobe Analytics 1.4
- Adobe Analytics 2.0
- Amazon S3
- Facebook Marketing
- Google Ads
- Google Analytics
- Google Cloud Storage
- Google Campaign Manager
⚠️ Google Display & Video 360⚠️ ⚠️ Google Display Bid Manager⚠️ - Google Search Ads 360
- Google Search Console
- 🆕 Google Sheets🆕
- Oracle
- Radarly
- SalesForce
- 🆕 The Trade Desk🆕
- 🆕 Twitter Ads🆕
- Yandex Campaign
- Yandex Statistics
- Google BigQuery
- Google Cloud Storage
- Amazon S3
- Local File
- Console (Debug)