Releases: artefactory/choice-learn
Releases · artefactory/choice-learn
FIX: tolerance argument for Latent Class model
What's Changed
- Change version to v1.1.0 by @VincentAuriau in #181
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #178
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #185
- Update actions to satisfy minimum nodejs version by @chicham in #187
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #188
- Fix tolerance argument in LatentClass Model by @VincentAuriau in #190
- ADD: few simple LC model tests by @VincentAuriau in #191
New Contributors
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #178
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
v1.1.0: Learning-MNL, ResLogit & London Passenger
Main changes:
- ADD ResLogit and Learning-MNL (Enhanced DCM) models
- ADD London Passenger dataset
- ADD: possible parametrization of nb of parallel iterations when usign lbfgs
- ADD released paper & citation
- Diverse small improvements and fixes
- Release v1.0.0 by @VincentAuriau in #156
- ADD: official paper & citation by @VincentAuriau in #158
- ADD: London Passenger Choice Mode by @VincentAuriau in #159
- ADD: tests for SimpleMNL and ChoiceModel by @VincentAuriau in #160
- Test eager mode for some model tests by @VincentAuriau in #161
- microFIX: NestedLogit clone by @VincentAuriau in #163
- Add ResLogit implementation and a notebook example by @julesdesir in #162
- Minor enhancements by @VincentAuriau in #164
- TST: fix by @julesdesir in #165
- TST: Switch to "optim" mode in model.evaluate() by @julesdesir in #166
- ADD: allow for choice of nb of parallel iterations when using LBFGS by @VincentAuriau in #167
- ADD: diverse tests for models by @VincentAuriau in #168
- Add RUMnet & Nested Logit tests by @VincentAuriau in #169
- ADD: White logo by @VincentAuriau in #170
- ADD: Learning-MNL by @VincentAuriau in #171
- ENH: README by @VincentAuriau in #173
- Add colab notebooks links by @VincentAuriau in #175
- Make hooks faster by @chicham in #177
New Contributors
- @julesdesir made their first contribution in #162
- @chicham made their first contribution in #175
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
✨✨ Release of v1.0.0 ✨✨
✨✨ Release of v1.0.0 ✨✨
What's Changed
- Fix EM algorithm to fit Latent Class model by @VincentAuriau in #152
- ADD: JoSS submission Paper by @VincentAuriau in #155
Full Changelog: v0.0.8...v1.0.0
v0.0.8: FIX: tensorflow-probability version
v0.0.7: Wider allowed dependencies
What's Changed
- ENH: broader poetry dependencies by @VincentAuriau in #139
- Fix dependencies by @VincentAuriau in #141
Full Changelog: v0.0.6...v0.0.7
What's Changed
- ENH: default n_epochs for Latent models is now 100 by @VincentAuriau in #122
- FIX: RUMnet regularization & evaluate by @VincentAuriau in #126
- FIX: ReadMe example by @VincentAuriau in #125
- ENH: requirements.txt allow for broader versions of dependencies by @VincentAuriau in #134
- ENH: ChoiceModel.trainable_weights are now defined with decorator property by @VincentAuriau in #116
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.6
What's Changed
- Release v0.0.4 by @VincentAuriau in #103
- hotfix by @VincentAuriau in #104
- Update by @ma-aouad in #107
- ENH/FIX: Notebooks & Documentation by @VincentAuriau in #110
- Enh/doc by @VincentAuriau in #112
- Enh/doc by @VincentAuriau in #113
- Hotfix/storage by @VincentAuriau in #111
- Enh/mkdocs by @VincentAuriau in #114
- Fix/tf tfp compat by @VincentAuriau in #115
- Hotfix/storage by @VincentAuriau in #117
- Small enhancements to the ReadMe by @VincentAuriau in #120
- Update poetry.lock by @VincentAuriau in #119
Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v0.0.5
Small enhancements and corrections
few small fixes
Release of the first version !