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4 DockerConfiguration

GitHub-Actions edited this page Aug 5, 2020 · 3 revisions


This step requires steps :

If you're using vanilla Docker, a directory containing the above secret files should be mounted onto the container to the path configured by ${APP_SECRETS_DIR} (by default, /var/run/secrets/nautilus-sftp-${ENV}).

Building the Docker image

To build the image, just run:

make docker_build

You can also publish the image to a registry:

make docker_publish

Running as standalone Docker

You can run the docker image with:

make docker_run

To connect to the docker container, you can use docker exec into the container using the following command :

docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep ${APP_DOCKER_IMAGE} | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 1) /bin/sh

or you can use the SFTP command to connect to the local SFTP server :

sftp -P ${APP_HOST_PORT} -i $(pwd)/credentials/${ENV}/users/${APP_SFTP_USER}/rsa-key ${APP_SFTP_USER}@
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