Releases: artegoser/File-Library-Manager
Releases · artegoser/File-Library-Manager
FLIM 0.0.5 version - package update
NEW commands
- package packagename install - устанавливает пакет файлов из глобальной библиотеки(библиотека внутри библиотеки)|installs a package of files from the global library (library within a library)
- packages list - считывает имена всех пакетов из глобальной библиотеки|reads the names of all packages from the global library
- package packagename list - считывает все наименования, ссылки и имена файлов в пакете|reads all titles, urls and filenames in a package
- db globaldburl install filetitle - устанавливает из глобальной(не главной) библиотеки файл|installs a file from the global (not main) library
- db globaldburl to ldbname.FLIM - скачивает глобальную(не главную) библиотеку на локальный диск|downloads the global (non-main) library to the local disk
FLIM 0.0.4
FLIM 0.0.4
Commands Added
- db cat
- ldb localdb.FLIM cat
- ldb firstlocaldb.FLIM merge(or combine) secondlocaldb.FLIM to finishlocaldb.FLIM(optional)
Bug fixes!
- Exception handlers
FLIM 0.0.3
FLIM 0.0.3
Commands Added
- ldb localdbname.FLIM info
- db info
Portable version for LFL(FLIM). Has the function of loading files from the library, switching to the desired directory
To download write "install", then press enter and write the name of the file from the global library.
To go to the desired directory write "cd", then press enter and write the path you need
FLIM 0.0.2
ALL Commands FLIM 0.0.2
FLIM - Must be added to each FLIM command (is not a separate command for FLIM)
FLIM version - Displays the version of the program
FLIM install title-of-file - Installs a file from the global library
FLIM db - Working with the global library (is not a separate command for FLIM)
+ list - Gets file names, links to them and names from the global library
FLIM localdb localdbname.FLIM - Working with local libraries (is not a separate command for FLIM)
+ create - Creates a local library
+ add title name url - Adds a block to the local library
+ install file-title-in-local-library - installs the desired file from the local library
+ dbinstall - downloads completely files from the local library
+ list - gets the filenames of the linked files and names from the local library
Commands Added
- FLIM db list
- FLIM localdb localdbname.FLIM create
- FLIM localdb localdbname.FLIM add
- FLIM localdb localdbname.FLIM install
- FLIM localdb localdbname.FLIM dbinstall
- FLIM localdb localdbname.FLIM list