UniversalEmoticonPackBuilder is a tool to build an emoticon packs for multiple clients
For now QIP Infium/2010, Pidgin and Adium support is complete.
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
- UniversalEmoticonPackBuilder — console utility
- UniversalEmoticonPackBuilderLib — builder itself
- qip_buildmap — creates UniversalEmoticonPackBuilder map from qip smilepack _define.ini
First you need to create a pack to build. Check the examplePack/ for a simple example.
Basically you need a mapfile and a build config.
Mapfile defines which codes corresponds to emoticon images
imagefile:code[,alternativecode[,alternativecode[,alternativecode ... ]]]
Build config defines a basic metainfo of the pack and sets the name of the mapfile.
You can also select which builders (clients) to use. You can look up more builders in the source or write your own.
Now place mapfile, config and images in the same dir and point the console utility on the config:
uepackbuild "C:/blah blah/fooPack/config.json"
Or add uepackbuild to PATH and launch it from pack dir without params.
Congrats! Now you have example_1.0_by_artyfarty_for_adium.zip, example_1.0_by_artyfarty_for_pidgin.zip and example_1.0_by_artyfarty_for_qip.zip in C:/blah blah/fooPack/build/ dir, ready for distribution.