This repository contains class materials for ECS 272 in Fall 2023.
- Lecture Time: 10:30 - 11:50am Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Location: Olson 105
- Instructor: Kwan-Liu Ma
- Co-Instructor: Dongyu Liu
- Teaching Assistant: Yun-Hsin Kuo
- TA Office Hours: Thursdays 1-3PM (Zoom)
In this class, you will learn about information visualization (InfoVis) techniques and their applications in a variety of fields. Through lectures and doing homework assignments and projects, you will learn and practice how to derive a visualization solution by integrating data analysis methods, visualization techniques, findings in human visual perception studies, concepts and principles in art, and ideas found in several other areas. While this is an introductory course, students are also expected to read research papers. You can take this class if you have received undergraduate training in computer science. However, if you have taken ECS163, ECS164, ECS171, ECS175, or ECS177 (or equivalent), you will likely be able to pursue advanced InfoVis topics for your final project.
There are there homework assignments and one final project. Please find all the materials, including descriptions, tutorials, guidelines, and coding templates, from the folder assigned for each assignment and project in this GitHub repository.
Here's a list of resources that can be helpful for the assignments and project.