Install node 16.14.0 or higher and npm
run the command
npm i
in your terminal -
create a bot in the discord developer portal
set all needed permissions to true
create a .env file in the root of the project
Fill the .env variables, be it using a .env file or from any other sources
either run
npm run build
andnpm run start:prod
ornpm run quickstart
linkReader =>
needs: manage webhooks or Administrator permission
action: when a message is sent that contains a discord message link, it will send the message through a webhook
roleLinked =>
needs: manage roles or Administrator permission
action: when a trigger role is removed from a user and they don't have any bypass roles / other trigger roles they will get their linked roles removed
reload =>
needs: manage roles or Administrator permission
action: runs the server's configuration of the roleLinked event
disable =>
needs: none
action: disable a command or event from working in the guild it's executed in
configuration =>
needs: manage roles
action: modify or see the configuration of the guild it's executed in
ticket =>
needs: manage threads, and use threads
action: create, modify or delete a ticket message, add people to threads, block people from speaking in threads or even close a thread
hypixel api =>
needs: none
action: get information from the hypixel api or verify yourself in the bot's user database
timeout =>
needs: moderate members
action: use the discord timeout feature to timeout a user
role =>
needs: manage roles
action: gives or removes a role from the target
tag =>
needs: none
action: create a guild only command that responds with a specified message
echo =>
needs: none
action: sends a message in a channel or send a message to a user
botInfo =>
needs: none
action: gives information about the bot and it's commands
follow How to set up and once you finish your changes, create a pull-request (I might not see it directly as I am generally busy)