date: "2023-02-07"
name: "Arvindra Sehmi"
url: ""
mail: "vin [at]"
avatar: ""
I recently came across an open-source Python DevOps framework Kedro and thought, “Why not have ChatGPT teach me how to use it to build some ML/DevOps automation?” The idea was to:
- Ask ChatGPT some basic questions about Kedro.
- Ask it to use more advanced features in the Kedro framework.
- Write my questions with hints and phrases that encouraged explanations of advanced Kedro features (to evolve incrementally as if I were taught by a teacher).
Kedro has some pipeline visualization capabilities, so I wondered:
- Could ChatGPT show me how to display pipeline graphs in Streamlit?
- Could ChatGPT build me an example ML model and explicitly refer to it in the Kedro pipeline?
- What does it take to scale the pipeline, and perform pipeline logging, monitoring, and error handling?
- Could I connect Kedro logs to a cloud-based logging service?
- Could ChatGPT contrast Kedro with similar (competing) products and services and show me how the pipeline it developed earlier could be implemented in one of them?
I wrote a blog post with annotated responses to the answers I got to my questions. I was super impressed and decided to implement the Kedro pipeline and Streamlit application as planned from what I learned. This repository contains all the code for the application.
As you'll read in my blog post ChatGPT helps "understanding" and is why I found it useful for learning. The Kedro code ChatGPT generated was simplistic and in some cases wrong, but perfectly okay to get the gist of how it worked. This app is original, with small parts of it taken from Kedro's code template, so you're free to use it without any recourse under the MIT license.
The application can be seen running in the Streamlit Cloud at the link below:
- The source OCLH crypto currency data is supplied in a single CSV file, and was previously downloaded from the Bitfinex exchange
- OCLH data is for 4 coins spanning the period June 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022
- OCLH data is in 15min frequency
- A Kedro data catalog of source and feature datasets is built for each coin and subsequently used in the Kedro ML pipeline
- You can run the Kedro ML pipeline to train, test and evaluate a Linear Regression model to predict next period (t+1) close prices from several feature techical indicators derived from the close price and volume
- You can visualize candlestick and line charts for the source and feature datasets, by coin
- Run locally, you can visualize an interactive graph representation of the Kedro pipeline in the Streamlit application
- You can run the pipeline nodes and the pipeline visualization from the command line too, using Kedro's CLI tools
For Streamlit beginners, this aplication can be useful to learn how to:
- Structure a multipage application
- Use session state
- Use widget callbacks
- Use many different widgets
- Launch sub-processes
- Embed external GUIs
- Cache data and clear caches
- Plotly charting
- (Check out my gists for more Streamlit goodies)
(On Windows replace forward slashes with back slashes.)
Clone this repository, then install package requirements:
$ cd using_chatgpt_kedro_streamlit_app
$ pip install -r src/requirements.txt
Run the Streamlit app:
$ cd using_chatgpt_kedro_streamlit_app
$ streamlit run --server.port=2023 src/
Run the Kedo pipeline from the command line:
$ cd using_chatgpt_kedro_streamlit_app
$ kedro run
You should see a trace similar to this:
Kedro run output trace
🥁 Running from Kedro's CLI
#### Pipeline execution order ####
Inputs: uni_crypto_features_data
Outputs: None
[02/07/23 13:28:06] INFO Loading data from 'uni_crypto_features_data' (CSVDataSet)...
INFO Running node: Get-Current-Symbol: get_symbol([uni_crypto_features_data]) ->
INFO Saving data to 'symbol' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Completed 1 out of 5 tasks
INFO Loading data from 'uni_crypto_features_data' (CSVDataSet)...
INFO Running node: Train-and-Test-Data-Split:
train_test_split([uni_crypto_features_data]) -> [train_features,test_features]
[02/07/23 13:28:08] INFO Saving data to 'train_features' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Saving data to 'test_features' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Completed 2 out of 5 tasks
INFO Loading data from 'train_features' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Running node: Model-Training: train_model([train_features]) -> [model]
INFO Saving data to 'model' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Completed 3 out of 5 tasks
INFO Loading data from 'model' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Loading data from 'test_features' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Running node: Model-Evaluation: evaluate_model([model,test_features]) ->
INFO Saving data to 'y' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Saving data to 'y_pred' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Saving data to 'mse' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Completed 4 out of 5 tasks
INFO Loading data from 'symbol' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Loading data from 'y' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Loading data from 'y_pred' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Loading data from 'mse' (MemoryDataSet)...
INFO Running node: Display-Model-Evaluation-Metrics:
plot_metric([symbol,y,y_pred,mse]) -> None
🤒 Mean Square Error (MSE) 0.109%
close_t1 close_pred_t1
2022-11-01 00:00:00 6.9463 6.948840
2022-11-01 00:15:00 6.9716 6.970235
2022-11-01 00:30:00 6.9570 6.957893
2022-11-01 00:45:00 6.9723 6.971893
2022-11-01 01:00:00 6.9933 6.991907
... ... ...
2022-12-31 22:45:00 5.1605 5.161068
2022-12-31 23:00:00 5.1687 5.169422
2022-12-31 23:15:00 5.1749 5.174875
2022-12-31 23:30:00 5.1660 5.166717
2022-12-31 23:45:00 5.1660 NaN
[5554 rows x 2 columns]
INFO Completed 5 out of 5 tasks
INFO Pipeline execution completed successfully.
Run the Kedo pipeline visualization from the command line:
$ cd using_chatgpt_kedro_streamlit_app
$ kedro viz
You should see this displayed in a browser window:
⭐ If you enjoyed this app and learned something, please consider starring its repository.
Many thanks!
This application is a demo of Kedro and Streamlit concepts and the results should not be taken seriously! The Linear Regression model is highly simplistic.
- All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a crypto-currency, security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, or individual’s trading does not guarantee future results or returns.
- Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
- The information you derive from the outputs of this application do not constitute investment advice. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.