A very basic but very useful example. This example will show you how to write a sample unit test using mocha and generate a report of the test using mochawesome.
- Written in JavaScript
- Hits the Galactic endpoints from the outside world
- Assertions on the JSON response
- Quick and efficent
- Easy to write new tests
- Generate cool report using mochawsome
Install node.js, by either crack open your favourite package manager: typically apt-get install nodejs on Debian/Ubuntu Linux, brew install node on a Mac or directly from the website http://nodejs.org
Clone the repository from github:
$ git clone https://github.com/ashish9308/API-test-using-Mocha.git
- CD into the repository
$ cd API-test-using-Mocha
- Install all the dependencies by:
$ npm install
- Fire up Mocha to run the tests!
$ mocha
- Fire up Mocha with reporter mochawesome to run the tests and generate reports!
$ mocha test.js --reporter mochawesome
- Want to know more about mochawsome reporter please go to this link