This is a simple React app that uses Mapbox and Foursquare to feature some of my favorite pizza places in Baltimore.
Additional data provided by Foursquare API.
Map provided by Mapbox-GL.
Download or clone this repo to your machine
- Install dependencies with
npm install
OR your favorite package manager's equivalent - Run
npm start
in the root directory to start the server and launch the app
- create-react-app
- mapbox-gl
- prop-types
- react
- react-dom
- react-scripts
- escape-string-regexp
- sort-by
- react-router-dom
- Google Fonts - Dosis
- Foursquare API
Create-react-app comes with a service worker in the production build. Service workers will only work in production.
With the app open, you can now explore the map. Each location has a marker, and when clicked, will animate and show the data for each pizza place. If you want to filter the data, use the search input and search by name. If you clear the search, the map will default back to the original markers and listed places.
Found a bug or typo? Have a cool idea for functionality not currently in the game?
Click the Fork button in the top right
This is important because you won't be able to push your changes if you don't clone your forked repository
Clone your forked repository to your desktop by navigating to the repository, clicking the "clone or download" button, and copying the link. Then, run git clone <YOUR CLONED REPOSITORY>
Once you make your changes, be sure to commit those changes and then push them to the repository
On this repository, navigate to the "Pull Requests" tab and scroll down the page until you see the green pull request button
Once a request is submitted, I will try to review it as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!