Welcome to the Vehicle Spare Parts Website project. This website is designed to help users find and purchase spare parts for their vehicles.
- Project Overview
- Demo
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Getting Started
- Usage
- Contributing
- License
- Acknowledgments
The Vehicle Spare Parts Website is a platform where users can browse and purchase spare parts for their vehicles. It provides a seamless shopping experience with features like user authentication, product listings, and a shopping cart.
You can access the live demo of the website at the following links:
List the technologies, libraries, and frameworks used in your project.
- User registration and login.
- Browse and search for spare parts.
- View detailed product information.
- Add products to the shopping cart.
- Checkout and place orders.
- Manage user profiles.
Provide instructions on how to set up and run your project locally.
- Clone this repository.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Install the necessary dependencies for both the frontend and backend.
The backend API for this project is hosted at https://mock-server-team-masai-blvy.onrender.com.
The frontend of the website is hosted at https://650992846403785c0ba39b65--luxury-faun-db5a1e.netlify.app/.
Explain how to use the different parts of your website.
To access the website's features, users need to log in using their credentials.
Browse and search for spare parts using the product listings.
View detailed information about a product by clicking on it. Add products to your cart and proceed to checkout when you're ready to purchase.
Explain how others can contribute to your project, if applicable.
Under Mit license
If you want to acknowledge any individuals, projects, or resources that inspired or helped you during your project, do so here.
We'd like to extend our gratitude to the following individuals who have contributed to this project:
Their contributions have been invaluable in making this project a success.
If you're interested in becoming a collaborator, please refer to the Contributing section for more information.