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A repository for documenting the steps and code for implementation on various computer vision programs and techniques.

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[UPDATE] : Most of the wikis that are linked here are now being shifted to the newly hosted site based on Hugo Academic theme. The new website is under construction and contnuously being update here and it's repository.

This repository still hosts all the updated code and wiki and is to be referred for the content related to the wiki and the blog.

There is an extensive Wiki availale for the code in this repository as well as guides for basics in python and computer vision and explanations of the codes included. These are from the things I have learned from various tutorials online and tried out by adding new functionalities. The Wiki also hosts step by step guide to installing common tools required majory for computer vision tasks. The following list is a gist of all such available pages in the wiki. More will be added later.

[UPDATE] The Posts from Wiki are also available on the blog now here

  • Deep Learning with Tensorflow :
    • Loading Tensorflow models using OpenCV : Completed
Title Repository Wiki Code App
Installing OpenCV from source on Fedora 31 Link
Compiling and executing OpenCV CPP programs Link
Find Dominant colors from and image Repository Wiki Code
Canny Edge Detection Repository Wiki Code
Getting started with SQL Server and Azure data studio on Linux Link
Use Microsoft SQL server docker container with Azure Data Studio -Author- Dhiraj Shrotri Wiki
Check if a number is palindrome or not Repository Code Flask
Check if a number is a perfect square Repository Code
Find the maximum number from an array Repository Code
Reverse array Repository Code
Access camera using Python OpenCV Repository OpenCV Documentation Python
Optical Flow example using Lucas-Kanade method Repository OpenCV Documentation Python Result
Confusion Matrix : Understanding it the simple way Link
Solve linear equation using TensorFlow Repository Code
Build your own layers for deep learning models using Python and TensorFlow 2.0 Link
Introduction to keras tuner with Tensorflow Repository Link Code
Sentence Encoding using Tensorflow Repository Code
Basic Sentiment in Text using Tensorflow Repository Code
Loading Tensorflow models using OpenCV DNN function Link Code
Linear Algebra Using TensorFlow Code