Deribit V2 API WS RPC wrapper.
This module is designed to be used with nodejs, it doesn't support browser usage.
- Connect to WS api
- Authenticate
- Reconnect on disconnect
- Resubscribe subscriptions on disconnect
See more examples in example.js
const Deribit = require('deribit-v2-ws');
const key = 'x';
const secret = 'y';
const db = new Deribit({key, secret})
await db.connect();
const position = await db.request(
{instrument_name: 'BTC-PERPETUAL'}
requestedAt: 1552992953360, // added by this lib
usIn: 1552992953479560,
usOut: 1552992953482218,
receivedAt: 1552992953601, // added by this lib
jsonrpc: '2.0',
id: 404,
{ total_profit_loss: 0,
size_currency: 0,
size: 0,
settlement_price: 3959.67,
realized_profit_loss: 0,
open_orders_margin: 0,
mark_price: 3971.85,
maintenance_margin: 0,
kind: 'future',
instrument_name: 'BTC-PERPETUAL',
initial_margin: 0,
index_price: 3972.04,
floating_profit_loss: 0,
estimated_liquidation_price: 0,
direction: 'zero',
delta: 0,
average_price: 0 },
usDiff: 2658,
testnet: false