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AskOmics : a visual SPARQL query builder for RDF database RDF

Docker Build

Pull from dockerHub

docker pull askomics/askomics

Or build

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd askomics
docker build -t askomics .


docker run --name askomics -p 6543:6543 -d askomics/askomics

askomics.ini configuration

All askomics properties defined in section [app:main] of the .ini file can be configured via the environment variables. The environment variable should be prefixed with ASKO_, without the askomics.

For exemple, if ou want to modify askomics.overview_lines_limit = 200 of the ini file, you must declare a environment variable like ASKO_overview_lines_limit="1000"

For the other ini entry, you can use ASKOCONFIG_section_key=value environment variables. use _colon_, _hyphen_ and _dot_ instead of :, - and ..

ASKOCONFIG_app_colon_main_pyramid_dot_debug_authorization="true" will write pyramid.debug_authorization = true