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  1. Create an IAM user with Administrator access here
  2. Create Access key for the above user for CLI access. You will find the option under Security Credentials tab on the IAM user console.
  3. Install aws cli on your machine. Steps here.
  4. Run aws configure --profile asmigar. It will prompt for the Access Key and Secret Access Key you created in Step 2.
$ aws configure --profile asmigar
AWS Access Key ID [None]: [Enter your access key id here. And then press enter]
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: [Enter your corresponding secret access key here. And then press enter]
Default region name [None]: [You can keep it blank. So just press Enter]
Default output format [None]: [You can keep it blank. So just press Enter]
  1. Verify your aws creds are configured by running aws iam list-users --profile asmigar. You should at least see the admin user you created in step 1.
$ aws iam list-users --profile asmigar
    "Users": [
            "Path": "/",
            "UserName": "SagarM",
            "UserId": "AIDA5FTY6HTRVAX2LBERT",
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::905417997539:user/SagarM",
            "CreateDate": "2024-03-26T11:11:14+00:00",
            "PasswordLastUsed": "2024-04-01T04:59:30+00:00"
  1. Install Terraform's latest version from here
  2. Install Terragrunt's latest version from here


  1. Apply the remote_state terraform project. This will create s3 bucket and lock table for keeping remote state for other tf projects.
cd infra/accounts/dev/remote_state; terraform init; terraform apply
  1. Apply the ecs terraform project.
cd infra/accounts/dev/hello-world; terragrunt init; terragrunt apply

This will output

  • URL to access the web server.
  • ECR repo url where docker images should be pushed.


  1. Make desired code changes to src directory.
  2. Run docker build
cd src; docker build -t <docker_ecr_repo_url>:<version> .
  1. Docker login into the ECR repo
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 --profile asmigar | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <ecr_repo_url>
  1. Publish docker image
docker push <docker_ecr_repo_url>:<version>
  1. Apply the ecs terraform project with the version provided in above step
cd infra/accounts/dev/hello-world; terragrunt apply -var="release_version=<release_version>"


  • Create Github Action workflow for Prod env


Create AWS ECS application through Terraform






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