- Xcode
- Cocoapods: use
sudo gem install cocoapods
- (Optional) iOS Developer Program membership - only required to run on actual iOS devices instead of the simulator
- Select an appropriate simulator target, e.g. iPhone 5s (8.0)
- To run the application manually: select Product -> Run
- To run the automated test simulation: select Product -> Test
- For both targets ('Ecommerce Mobile Application' and 'UI Tests'), under Build Settings -> Code Signing set Code Signing Identity to use your iPhone Developer identity from the Keychain and set Provisioning Profile to 'Automatic'
- If running on an older, pre-iOS 8.0 device: for the 'Ecommerce Mobile Application' target, under General -> Deployment Info set Deployment Target to the iOS version for your device and set Devices to 'Universal'
- To run the application manually: select Product -> Run
- To run the automated test simulation: select Product -> Test