A small Seaside wrapper for the FontAwesome project
First you need to load Seaside, here we load the development version:
Metacello new
repository: 'github://SeasideSt/Seaside:develop/repository';
for any other have a look at https://github.com/SeasideSt/Seaside.
Then load FontAwesome
Metacello new
repository: 'github://astares/Seaside-FontAwesome:master/src';
Start the web server for Seaside - for instance with Zinc evaluate:
ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080
Now point your browser to http://localhost:8080/fontawesome
To add FontAwesome to your Seaside application you just have to add the appropriate seaside file libraries containing the CSS and fonts to your Seaside application.
Depending on the scenario there is a FAWDeploymentLibrary and a FAWDevelopmentLibrary that you will find in the package FontAwesome-Core in the category 'FontAwesome-Core-Libraries'
Have a look at the #register method in the FAWExamplesHome class for an example.
If the FontAwesome library is registered with your Seaside application you can use the fontAwesome selectors in your usual rendering methods (like #renderContentOn:).
At a minimum you need to FontAwesome style to a surrounding div tag/bootstrap container by calling #fontAwesome:
renderContentOn: html
html div
with: [ html span fontAwesomeFacebookIcon ]
- FontAwesome-Core - package with the core, contains anything you need in an own app
- FontAwesome-Core-Tests - package with the SUnit tests
- FontAwesome-Examples - example package for the demo
The package comes with many tests in the package FontAwesome-Core-Tests. Just use the SUnit TestRunner to run them.